"Robert Worth Bingham, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James, 1" by Markeeta Wood


Markeeta Wood

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Frederick Murphy, Lowell Harrison, Francis Thompson


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Degree Program

Department of History

Degree Type

Master of Arts


The subject of this thesis is the Ambassadorship of Robert Worth Bingham to Great Britain from 1933 to 1934 and his effect on Anglo-American diplomatic relations. This study concentrates on Bingham as the Ambassador and the influence he exercised in British-American relations, an area largely untouched by researchers.

The study is divided into several chapters. The first chapter deals with the appointment of Robert W. Bingham and considers such topics as Bingham as a supporter of FDR before 1932, the possibility of his being appointed Secretary of State, the opposition to his ambassadorship, the supporters of Bingham, the Congressional hearings on his appointment, his approval, and a listing of the duties that he was to perform. The emphasis is on the furor caused by the appointment. The second and third chapters of the thesis examines the London World Economic Conference of 1933 and the part Bingham played in it. This chapter includes an investigation of the American participation in the Conference as well as an inquiry into the conflict within the American delegation, particularly the personal conflict between Raymond Moley and Cordell Hull. The next chapter deals with Bingham and the International Wheat Advisory Committee. It describes the work of the Conference in getting an International Wheat Agreement, and Bingham's chairmanship of the committee. This chapter also considers the social functions of the Ambassador, and Bingham's role as interpreter of American foreign policy. The next chapter involves the latter stages of Bingham's ambassadorship with emphasis upon Bingham's participation in conferences on naval armaments limitations and the possibility on Anglo-American cooperation in case of conflict. During this period, the Ambassador's health began to deteriorate, and he had to limit his activity. The last chapter describes the death and funeral of Bingham and the tributes paid to the Ambassador and evaluates his ambassadorship.


Arts and Humanities | Diplomatic History | European History | History | International Relations | Political Science | United States History
