"A Study of the Educational Needs of Business & Industrial Employees & " by Palisa Williams


Palisa Williams

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Emmett Burkeen, Thomas Updike, Carl Kreisler


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Degree Program

Educational Leadership

Degree Type

Specialist in Education


Blue collar employees from four industries in Bowling Green, Kentucky participated in an Industrial and Business Employees Educational Needs Survey. The purpose of the study was to address the following questions:

1. Are blue collar employees interested in furthering their education?

2. What is the average educational level of the blue collar employee?

3. What type of educational, financial, and personal assistance will blue collar employees need?

4. Is it feasible to develop an educational curriculum designed for blue collar employees?

The findings show that the employees have a strong interest in furthering their education. However, due to family responsibilities, established duties, and the longevity involved in a traditional degree program some employees face obstacles in furthering their education. Implications for colleges, universities, business, and industry were made and recommendations for an educational program were proposed based upon the data. Suggestions for further research were also included.


Business | Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Human Resources Management | Training and Development
