"A Study of Factors Related to Low General Technical Scores on the Arme" by David Yates


David Yates

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Emmett Burkeen, Seth Farley, Delbert Hayden


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Degree Program

Educational Leadership

Degree Type

Educational Specialist


The study analyzed the perceptions of the members of the Second Squadron, Seventeenth Cavalry, stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, for low General Technical (GT) scores on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).

A survey questionnaire was developed and administered to 300 members of the Second Squadron, Seventeenth Cavalry. Objectives of the survey questionnaire were to gather data regarding the opinions and perceptions of soldiers concerning the test and the conditions under which the test was given, personal background data, and written comments or suggestions for improving the test.

The individual follow-up interviews revealed a breakdown of communication between the test administrators, recruiters, test developers, and individual test-takers as to the importance of the test on an individual's career while in the U. S. Army.

Numerous conclusions could be drawn from this study. Some of the more pertinent inferences and conclusions are: more career information should be given prior to enlistment; a higher priority should be placed on basic skills in the school systems; additional forms of the ASVAB and/or GT test should be developed and a practice test with follow-up counseling should be given prior to taking the actual test.


Adult and Continuing Education | Adult and Continuing Education Administration | Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership | Military and Veterans Studies
