
Charlene Manco

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Don Dinkmeyer, Vernon Sheeley, Aaron Hughey


After an extensive unsuccessful search for the author, this thesis is considered an orphan work, which may be protected by copyright. The inclusion of this orphan work on TopScholar does not guarantee that that orphan work may be used for any purpose and any use of the orphan work may subject the user to a claim of copyright infringement. The reproduction of this work is made by WKU without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage and is made for purposes of preservation and research.

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Degree Program

Educational Leadership

Degree Type

Specialist in Education


The purpose of this study was to assess variables related to participant retention of workshop knowledge at TRIO Training. The workshop provided professional development training on General Project Management for TRIO Programs personnel. Ninety-three participants completed a pre/posttest examination to detect knowledge gain from workshop participation. Along with data from the test scores, information was gathered on the length of TRIO involvement, gender, geographic location, education and participation in a technology workshop session to detect the influence of these factors on the posttest scores. Results from these posttest scores suggest that the implied knowledge gain was statistically significant. Factors such as length of TRIO involvement, gender, education and geographic location were not found to affect the increase in scores. The use of technology in a workshop session did show a low correlation for increasing the scores.


Education | Educational Leadership | Higher Education | Human Resources Management | Training and Development
