"Social Engagement of Nursing Home Residents: A Comparison of Two Obser" by Annika Gabbard

Publication Date

Spring 2021

Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Brian Weiler (Director), Jean Neils-Strunjas, Jason Crandall, and Kimberly Green

Degree Program

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Degree Type

Master of Science


In Kentucky, low levels of physical activity and social engagement negatively impact health. This problem led to the creation of Bingocize®, an exercise program that combines the game of Bingo with intermittent exercises in a group setting to increase levels of positive affect, physical health, and, the focus of this study, social engagement. Since clear benefits of social engagement have been established, measurement and documentation of this behavior can assist in determining the level of potential benefit from Bingocize®. The purpose of this study was to compare the opinions of healthcare workers who have experience with Bingocize® on two measures of social engagement, the Fun and Social Engagement (FUSE) instrument and the Engagement of a Person with Dementia Scale (EWPDS).

Using an online survey platform, a survey questionnaire with photos of and directions for each measure was sent to 218 qualified healthcare workers, and of those, 78 began the survey, 47 partially completed the survey, and 40 completed the survey in full. These participants provided demographic information, their opinion on the importance of different types of engagement, their impressions of each measure, and which measure they would be most likely to choose.

Paired sample t-tests completed for shared questions about both measures indicate that the FUSE’s listed behaviors are more relevant to Bingocize® when compared to the behaviors on the EPWDS. The FUSE also received positive feedback regarding its user friendliness and length. The EPWDS received positive feedback about its comprehensiveness and dementia-specific aspects. Eighty-one percent of participants reported that, of the two measures, they would choose the FUSE to measure social engagement. Based on the study findings, a user-preferred social engagement measure is one that is concise, has an area specifically for dementia (or other common diagnoses in skilled nursing facilities; SNFs), and has clear instructions for ease of administration.


Communication Sciences and Disorders | Exercise Science | Geriatrics | Mental and Social Health
