Theses and Specialist projects from 2010
Knowledge of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Populations That Self-Injure, Darcy Leanne Cates
Exploration of the Relationship Between Moral Judgment Development and Attention, Lauren Clark
Exploration of the Relationship between Moral Judgment Development and Attention, Lauren I. Clark
College Students Who Self-Injure: A Study of Knowledge and Perceptions of Self-Injury, Stacey Edwards Clinard
Potential Factors That Influence Team Identification: A Desire to be Similar or Different?, Courtney A. Clippert
The Blood Drive of WKU Greek Week: Issues of Altruism, Egoism, Integration and Separation, Cynthia Halcyone Cotton
Gritting Teeth: A Memoir of Unhealthy Love, Samantha L. Day
Differentiating Anxiety and Depression Using the Clinical Assessment of Depression, Zane K. Dempsey
Internet GIS as a Historic Place-Making Tool for Mammoth Cave National Park, Ann E. Epperson
Caffeine Supplementation and Moderate Intensity Exercise Modulates the Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Subset (CD+8) in NaIve and Tolerant Individuals, Elizabeth Ann Fedor
Investigation of Yield and Quality of Grafted Heirloom and Hybrid Tomatoes, Stephen T. Flomo
Investigation of Volatile Products from Wood Pyrolysis, Prabhavathi Gade
Degradation of Chlorophenols in Swine Waste, Srilatha Gangula
Assessing the Relationship between Student Involvement and Academic Performance in Higher Education, Azurdee M. Garland
Two-Phase Partitioning System Using Elvax 40W Polymer for the Biodegradation of Aqueous Phenols, Amit Suresh Ghode
Exploring Zirconia as a Column Packing Material, Tushar Ghugare
Population Cross-Validity Estimation and Adjustment for Direct Range Restriction: A Monte Carlo Investigation of Procedural Sequences to Achieve Optimal Cross-Validity, David Matthew Goins
Dating Preferences among African-American Female College Students: Attitudes about Appearance, Trust, and Interracial Relationships, Christopher McConnell Green
The Global Project: Observing Geographic Literacy Obtained by Study Abroad Learning, Erin Joy Greunke
Presidential Communication to Children: An Analysis of Persuasive Strategies in Presidential Speeches, Patricia Joyce Grice
Information Technology Implementation Decisions to Support the Kentucky Mesonet, D. Michael Grogan
Human Things: Rethinking Guitars and Ethnography, Matthew L. Hale
Geographic Factors of Residential Burglaries - A Case Study in Nashville, Tennessee, Jonathan A. Hall
The Content Validation of an Employment Selection Process for Vehicle Mechanics, Michael Heighway
The Content Validation of an Employment Selection Process for Vehicle Mechanics, Michael Heighway
Labels for Anchors: The Good, the Bad, and the Endpoints, James Lee Hellrung II
Diagnostic Decision-Making: How Much Do Behavior Rating Scales Influence School Psychologists?, Lesley Ann Higgins
The Effect of an Overall Rating Item on Halo Error in Performance Evaluations, S. Elizabeth Hogue
Learned Attention in Younger and Older Adults, Jared M. Holder
Portrayals of Power: A Content Analysis of Gender Dominance in Magazine Advertisements, John Nicholas Holladay
Synthesis, Kinetic and Photocatalytic Studies of Porphyrin-Ruthenium-Oxo Complexes, Yan Huang
Geographic Information System Analysis of Changing Demographic Patterns and Ethnic Restaurant Locations in Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1940-2005, Shwu-Jing Jeng
A Novel Pervious Cement Reaction Barrier (PCRB) in Situ Arsenic Remediation System, Morgan Liane Jones
Effects of a Simulated Tennis Match on Lymphocyte Subset Measurements, Holly Kell
Analysis of the Clear Plaque Phenotype of the Bacteriophage HK75, Phani Chandrika Kunapuli
An Examination of Reading Assignments in the Secondary Classroom, Rachel Elizabeth Leer
Replacing Workplace Leadership with Political Expediency, Mark Daniel Leonhardt
The Reaction of a Water Soluble Platinum Compound with Methionine and Derivatives, Yueh Ying Liao
The Effects of Growth Hormone in the Inner Ear of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) during Hair Cell Regeneration, Chia-Hui Lin
Cloning of a CHLAMYDOMONAS REINHARDTII Marker into a RNA Interference Construct to Test Whether the Photoreceptor Chlamyrhodopsin Is Involved in Circadian Clock Resetting, Shravya Reddy Maddi
Impact of Stress Management on Learning in a Classroom Setting, Pankaj Mandale
Intricacies of Professional Certifications for Quality Management (QM), Edmund R. Martelli
Praise and Blame: The Rhetorical Impact of Nineteenth-Century Conduct Manuasl, Jessica Mattson
Praise and Blame: The Rhetorical Impact of Nineteenth-Century Conduct Manuals, Jessica Nicole Mattson
Willingness of Individuals to Seek Mental Health Treatment: The Impact of Gender and Parent Therapy Experience, Amanda Kristin McClure
Exploring the Effectiveness of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports in the Elementary School Setting, Ashely Bryce McGinnis
Examining the Relationship between Criticism and Muscle Dysmorphia Symptomotology in Collegiate Men, Lauren M. Menees
The Hydrology of the Carroll Cave-Toronto Springs System: Identifying and Examining Source Mixing through Dye Tracing, Geochemical Monitoring, Seepage Runs, and Statistical Methods, Benjamin Verlinden Miller
The Effects of Rater Training on the Relationship between Item Observability and Rater Agreement, Keaton Edwin Montgomery