Paths to Liberation in Burmese Buddhism


This and all the other podcasts of the series have been created and compiled by Haiwang Yuan, Professor of the Department of Library Public Services, Western Kentucky University.


Dr. Patrick Pranke from University of Louisville spoke about “Paths to Liberation in Burmese Buddhism” for Far Away Places Series on October 18, 2012 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers. Dr. Pranke is the assistant professor of Religious Studies in the Department of Humanities where he teaches Asian religions with a focus on Theravada Buddhism and Burma. He is a native of Minnesota and grew up in a farming family. He was influenced by stories of far away places and far away times and wanted to be an archaeologist. He attended schools in Forest Lake, Minnesota. After high school he attended the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin where he studied anthropology and South Asian Studies. Pranke received his doctorate in Buddhist Studies from the University of Michigan in 2004. He has conducted research and worked in Burma and northern India for a number of years and is affiliated with the Buddhist academy, Thitagu Kaba Buddha Takkathol, in Sagaing, Burma, where he has served as an instructor and translator. His research interests include Burmese Buddhist monastic history and historiography, Sangha-state relations, Buddhist scholasticism, and Burmese popular religion. His interests in north India include village Hinduism, pilgrimage and the geography of sacred sites. In the United States he examines immigrant Buddhism and the dynamics of integration. Pranke’s articles have appeared in Buddhism in Practice, the Encyclopedia of Buddhism, and the Journal of Burma Studies.


Asian Studies | East Asian Languages and Societies | Ethics in Religion | History of Religions of Eastern Origins | International and Intercultural Communication | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion | Social and Cultural Anthropology
