
Creation Date
See larger version of architectural plans.
1906-1926 see Cabell Hall
Date Built - ca. 1937-1940
Date Razed - 1975
Cost of Construction - $50,000
Architect - J.M. Ingram
Music Hall 2012-present
Construction 2010-2012
The three story building originally measured approximately 82 feet x 120 feet with 50,000 square feet of usable space. Construction was paid for through Works Progress Administration funding. WKU Industrial Arts students constructed the window frames. Auditoriums were located on the first and second floors and seated 200 people. The building was located south of the Physical Education Building. The 1st floor was used for band, orchestra, and other instrumental activities. The 2nd floor was used for vocal activities and the 3rd floor was used for theory classes. The building was razed in 1975 because "it is uneconomical to bring it to up-to-date standards." [Shirley, Janet. College Heights Herald, "Building Projects Continue," August, 26, 1975]
1958 - $32,400 renovations, new roof, floor tile, new entrance, practice rooms added
1965 - fire in south wing
Park City Daily News:
"$17,130 Sought for Completion of Building Approved," Aug. 30, 1939.
"Site Selected for Music Hall on Western Campus," April 25, 1937.
"Western Music Building Renovation is Completed," Aug. 31, 1958.
"Work on Music Hall on Western Campus to be Started Soon," April 19, 1937.
Western Kentucky University