
Creation Date
The Athletic Committee was formed in 1911 to oversee the developing sports teams. At that time there was a baseball team.
This photo shows the Athletic Committee meeting in Henry Cherry's office in Van Meter Hall in 1934 when the sports program was more fully developed. L to r: L.T. Smith, chair of committee and head of Industrial Arts; Ed Stansbury, assistant coach; W.L. Matthews, director of Training School and College High; Wanda Ellis Health & Physical Education faculty; Kelly Thompson Public Relations director; Gladys Perkerson Health & Physical Education faculty; William Terry assistant football coach and Health & Physical Education faculty; Registrar E.H. Canon, Bursar Florence Schneider; H.L. Stephens vice chair of committee and head of Biology; E.A. Diddle, basketball coach; Carl "Swede" Anderson, football coach and head of Health & Physical Education and President Henry Cherry.
Athletic Committee records are available in WKU Archives.
Western Kentucky University, Van Meter Hall