Manuscript Collection Finding Aids
Publication Date
Finding aid and scans (Click on "Additional Files" below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 925. A 1942 note written by Marine Terry Cleon McCluskey to his mother, Mrs. James McCluskey, Bowling Green, Kentucky. The Japanese claimed that all Marines had been killed in Tulagi in the Solomon Islands. To counteract this Japanese propaganda, a U.S. officer had the men write their families putting that location on the top of the page. Also, 1993 explanatory comments related to the note. Includes copies of newspaper clippings related to McCluskey’s war service in the Pacific.
Military History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Folklife Archives, Manuscripts &, "McCluskey, Terry Cleon, 1920-2002 (SC 925)" (2013). Manuscript Collection Finding Aids. Paper 2875.
This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu