Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Alumni News
- Athletics
- Chapel
- Class News
- Club News
- Editorials
- Literary Shavings by A. Shavings
- Personals
- Training School News
This issue contains articles:
- Student Meets Tragic Death – Berthal Jones
- June Commencement Here Promises to be a Success
- Ky. Budget Commission Makes Recommendations
- Prof. W.J. Craig Returns Home
- Prof. Gordon Wilson at Chapel
- Prof. Gordon Wilson Speaks to Louisville Groups
- Mrs. Evelyn Porter Dies at Owensboro
- Doctor Allen Wilson at Chapel
- Old Library is to be Student Center – Cedar House
- Misses Scott & Nesler Trim Maryville in Debate
- National Park Campaign Workers Continue Efforts – Mammoth Cave National Park
- New Semester at Western Promises Large Audience
- Students Take Part in Style Show
- Ogden Plans Begin
- Wilsons Build Home
- Students Assisted – First Christian Church
- George Page Speaks at H.S.
- Franz Strahm at Chapel
- Students at Nashville
- History of Iva Scott
- Wilson, Gordon. The Birds & the Out-of-Doors – Nature & Sincerity
- Woories of Home Ec. Girls
- Anderson Has Charge of Chapel
- Normal Head Buried Today – Thomas Coates, EKU
- Rev. A.B. Houze is Speaker at Chapel
- Faculty Available for Addresses
- Newburgh, L.H. Overeating
- Bert Smith Talks on Earmarks of Good Teaching
- Faculty Holds Study Centers
- MMe. Schumann-Heink Cancels Engagement
- Sampson Will Tour State in Park Campaign
- Pictures for Annual Made
- Speaking Class Gives Chapel
- Gypsies to Broadcast Tennessee Night Program
- Girls at Practice House Entertain
- J.C. Penney Co. Names Board
- To Give Thanks on March 25th
- Boy Gets Honors – Victor Strahm
- King, Orbra. Columbus Up-to-Date
- Pearce, Daisy. The Boyhood of Lincoln
- Tubeville, Hazel. A Tete-a-Tete
- The Franco-American Treaty
- Mr. N.O. Taff Speaks at B.U. Chapel
- Honor Club
- Rural Education Club
- History Club
- Congress Club
- Dramatic Club
- Coaches at Western Award Sweaters
- Vetner, Charlie. Boost Tennis
- College Farm News
- Linkenberg-Gatton Wedding
- Sod Athletic Field
- Teachers High to Hold Interclass Tourney
- Follin, Ethel. Spring
- Runner, Merryl. Winter
- Schade, Alice. April
- McElhaney, Estherella. Spring
- Bushong, Willie. Lamentation on Mumps
- McElhaney, Estherella. The Seasons
- Forsting, Leo. Jokes & Wise Cracks
Advertising and Promotion Management | Creative Writing | Fiction | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Poetry | Public Relations and Advertising | Social History | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. IV, No. 6" (1928). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2257.
Included in
Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Fiction Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Poetry Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons