Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Alumni News
- Athletics
- Class News
- Club News
- Editorials
- Field News by Kelly Thompson
- High Spots of Chapel
- Letters from Susie
- Personals
- Society
- Training School Notes
This issue contains articles:
- SIAA Meet at Western in ‘31
- Grainger Gets Large Ovation from Students
- Elected Business Manager of Annual – J. Fuqua Hartford
- Number of New Teachers Will Augment Staff
- Girls Intramural Basketball Contests Held on January 16 & 19
- Seniors Choose Staff for 1931 Class Yearbook
- Is Elected Editor of ’31 Talisman – Raymond Peterson
- Mrs. Wallace, of Auburn is Donor of Gift – Kentucky Building
- Seniors to Present “Old Man Minnick”
- Annual Sacred Vesper Concert Will be Given
- Teachers Club is Organized in Warren County
- Board of Trade Entertains Grid Team at Dinner
- Will Hill Spends Holidays in Cuba
- Football Schedule for 1931 is Announced by Athletic Director
- Dick Martin is Elected Captain of ’31 Gridders
- Virginia Terry Accepts Position
- Lewis Yandell Accepts Position
- Local Teachers Attend Meeting of American Vocational Association at Milwaukee
- Mrs. Florence Ragland Lauds Kentucky Building
- Physical Education Building to be Ready for Use by Spring – Helm Library
- Hornback, Raymond. Letter to Editor re: Teaching in the Philippines
- F.E. Cooper, Former Student, is Successful
- Hund, William Jr. The Fairies
- Colonel R.E. Cooper Makes Interesting Address at Hopkinsville Recently
- County History Given to Museum
- Two Nations Honor Regent’s Brother – John Gilmore
- If You Edited a Newspaper
- Accepts Position – Louise Pickles
- Present Concert
- Dr. A.L. Crabb Writes in NEA Journal
- Kentucky’s Shrine
- Matthews, Mrs. H.R. Dreams
- Western’s Influence is Felt in Floridda
- Miss Day Meets Home Ec. Groups
- Gladys Sims Presents Her Pupils in Voice Recital
- Whitmer’s Class in Genetics Goes to State Capital
- “Ich” Weaver Purchased by N.Y. Yankees – Jim Weaver
- Turner Elrod to Captain Basketball Team
- French Club
- LeRoy Elrod is Alternate Captain
- Chemistry-Physics Club
- Alumni Association Meets in Henderson
- English Club
- Muhlenberg County Club
- Congress Debating Club
- Classical Club
- Word Received of Death of E.B. Toole, Father of Three Western Students
Advertising and Promotion Management | Creative Writing | Fiction | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Poetry | Public Relations and Advertising | Social History | Sports Studies | United States History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. VII, No. 4" (1931). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2282.
Included in
Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Fiction Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Poetry Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons