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Unidentified portraits of the Class of 1918. Contact if you can identify an image.
Joyce Adams, Maud Crute, Birdie Fields, Mary Hall, Zella Pelley, Irene Smith, Sue Bosley, Mildred Coffman, Earle Fowler, Katherine Jones, Ona Pitcock, Alva Skaggs, Clarence Bartlett, Ruth Coward, Gordon Gaines, Willie Mae Jewell, Beulah Poor, Ellen Soder, V.E. Burns, Anna Cato, Novella Glasgow, Golda Johnson, Myrtie Purcell, H.C. Stephens, Atlanta Bynum, Elsie Dulaney, Dawn Gilbert, Lillie Kuykendall, Broner Porter, Shelby Shultz, Forrest Bell, Emma Downey, Nellie Groom, Enda Lee, J.M. Porter, Anna Shannahan, Anna Bean, Nellie Dixon, Elizabeth Green, Emma Lewis, Allie Price, Mamie Towles, Virginia Beeler, Nellie Easton, Bettie Hagan, Nina Murray, Grace Renfrow, Florence Underwood, Georgia Brandon, Margery Ellis, Horace Huddle, Ruth Moore, Martha Randall, Mary VanHorn, Josephine Cherry, Buren Evans, Elizabeth Ham, Nettie Moyers, Lois Robinson, Frances Conover, Getrude Ficklin, Delazine Hardin, Julie Owens, Lily Rogers, Margaret Clements, Homer Ford, Claire Hancock, Susie Pate and Effie Smith.
Recommended Citation
WKU Archives, "UA1C3 Class of 1918" (1918). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2478.
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