Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Birds I View
- Looking Backward
- Hilltopics
- Mind Your Manners
- Kentucky Building News
- Alumni News
- Book Marks
- Society Page
- Faculty Notes
- Training School Notes
- Club News
- Campus Crossfire – cartoon
- Looking Around
Articles in this issue:
- College Heights Herald Takes Top Award 2nd Straight Year
- Noted Rabbi to Give Chapel – William Silverman
- Mrs. T.C. Cherry Taken by Death on March 19 – Bessie Cherry
- Western-Bradley Meet in Tourney Tuesday
- Kentucky Education Association to Meet April 11, 12, 13
- Summer School Programs Ready at Dean’s Office
- Dr. Jones Urges Vets to Check on Status
- Easter Sunrise Service Planned for the Stadium
- Seven Contestants to Speak in Ogden Contest Here April 4
- Rifle Team to Meet Eastern
- Jessee, Jo Ann. Western Players to Give “Kind Lady as Spring Production Here April 5
- Third District Education Association Group Meeting Here This Afternoon
- Senior Dinner April 30
- The Library – editorial
- Berry, Margie. What They Think of Drafting College Men
- Receive Books on Economics
- Batts, J.W. Grounds Supervisor is R.C. Woodward
- Miss Nathalie Baldy Has Done 54 Years of Office Work
- Miss Etta Runner Given Surprise Party
- Jessee, Jo Ann. Jerry Parker Was Kentucky Delegate at Seminar
- Man Attempts to Steal Bassoon from Music Department – Bernard Sears
- Industrial Arts Association Invites New Members
- Judging Class Goes to Horse Cave Show
- Hewel Blair Selected
- Med School Applicants Advised to Take Test
- Inspectors Call Air ROTC Satisfactory
- Five Army ROTC Cadets Receive Commendations
- American Association of University Women Group Addressed by Sibyl Stonecipher
- To Stock Local Lake
- Junior Class Hears Musical Selections
- Judge Essay Contest – Charles Taylor
- Air ROTC Glee Club to Perform on WLBJ
- Lively, Gaye. Seniors Give Views on Drafting 18-Year-Olds
- Melodrama to be Repeated
- Speech Class to Give Play
- Cardinals Open Baseball Season
- College High Junior Girls Win Tournament
- College High Plays Host in Speech Festival
- Rev. & Mrs. James Lollis Speak at Chapels
- Spring Concert of Chorus Set for March 30
- East, Ellis. Western Grad Selected as Navy “Coach of the Year” – Charles Butler
- John Magda of Navy Air Fame Killed in Korea
- Sgt. Jack Pitchford’s Son Dies of Leukemia – Jack Pitchford, Jr.
- Personnel Men Visit Chemistry Department
- President & Dean Attend State Meeting
- Ohio State Awards John Fisher Ph.D.
- Arts & Crafts Club Invited to Send Men
- Former Debater Runs for Representative – Kenneth Goff
- Pres. Paul Garrett Speaks on “Shaw & Lincoln”
- Sullivan, Wally. Assistant Baseball Coach Jim Clegg Has Gained Experience as Umpire
- Sports Editor Leaves Herald for New Job – Aubrey Taylor
- Rip Gish to Join Aces Professional Team
- Squad of 45 Start With Spring Football Practice
- Boot Hill Wildcats Win Intramural Net Tourney
- Western Represented by Four Coaches in State Tournament
- 51 to Attend Summer Camp – AFROTC
- William Carr at Camp Pickett
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 27, No. 10-Z245" (1951). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 2840.