Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Hilltopics
- Looking Backward
- Society – Personals
- Faculty Notes
- Alumni Flashes
- Music Notes
- At the Capitol - Movies
- Weddings - Engagements
- Spikes, Cleats & Sneakers
- Daily Doings
- Quotable Quotes
- On the Western Front
- The Service Column
This issue contains articles:
- Dr. John Vincent Hears “Three Jacks” Played at Composer’s Symposium
- Rabbi Milton Greenwald to be Chapel Speaker
- Dr. M.L. Billings Describes Work of Local USO
- Miss Gabrielle Robertson is Specialist in Stamps of Western Hemisphere
- From Morn Til Night ASTP Boys Keep Busy
- Dr. Judson Griffin to be Department Head in Texas
- Two New Secretaries in Registrar’s Office
- Dr, Ward Sumpter and Willis Jones Have Article Published
- Post Office on Hill Serves Many
- Twelve Graduate Students Enroll for Work on Hill
- Registrar E.H. Canon Reads Paper Before Group
- Capt. Edgar Stansbury Praises Work of Women’s Army
- Jean Allen to Have Title Role in Fall Production
- Founders Day Plans Completed
- “Freedom and Bread” is Hitler’s Newspaper Motto
- Display is Now on Exhibition - Netherlands
- Do You Respect Your Flag?
- Book Reviews by Western Grads Appear in Courier-Journal
- Support Our Advertisers
- Paxton, Jean. John Power Has Nothing on Western!
- Students Transfer to Western
- Museum Register is Story Itself
- Western Girls in Beauty Event
- Lieut. Jack Painter Lost in Action
- Resident Donates Books to Library – Mrs. J.E. Clarke
- President Paul Garrett Honored at Chapel
- Boys Enjoy “Open House” at Airport
- Extension Department Has New Courses
- Faculty Wives Win Floral Prizes
- Miss June McIntire to be Dietitian
- Music Recital to be Presented Soon
- Student Sings at Kiwanis Club Meeting – Emily Ogden
- Rotarians Hear Dr. Earl Moore
- Philosophy Degree is Granted to Miss Betty Jones
- Teachers Hold Study Centers
- Former Student in WAVE Training – Margaret Burr
- Mrs. Sarah Garrett Sponsors Club
- Roy Holmes to Furnish Music for Dances
- Colleges Agree to One-Day Holiday – Thanksgiving
- B.J. Madden to Speak
- Mrs. Bert Smith Serves with Tuberculosis State Board
- Funeral Services held for William Barr Twins – Charles Barr, David Barr
- British Canadian War Posters Displayed
- WACS to Sponsor Dance
- Mr. Ivan Wilson Has Water Colors on Exhibition
- Training School
- Club Notes – Bowling Green Music Club, Ragland Library Club, Art, Biology
- Dietetics Association Holds Dinner Meeting
- School’s First Faculty
- Cadets Play for Dance
- Western Trade School Offers Free Training
- Westerners See Faust in Nashville
- Better Lighting for Library is Discussed
- All-Girls’ Chapel Becoming Custom
- Students Attend Baptist Student Union Convention
- Cadet Orchestra Plas for Sorority Dance
- Music Department Members Attend Rally
- President Paul Garrett and Lieut. George Updegraff to Attend Meeting
- Write Him a Letter but Don’t Tell Him of Your Troubles – He Has Plenty of His Own
- Museum Wants Letters from All Service Men
- Faculty and Students Attend Fun Frolic
- Hill Athletes Now Are Wearing Uniforms of U.S. Armed Forces
- Ping-Pong Tournament is Being Organized
- Cardinals Show Great Prospects
- New Teams to Play Toppers
- Intramural Sports Out for Duration
- Women’s Athletic Association Urges Girls to Attend Meetings
- Cedar House Buys New Furniture and Records
- Conditioning Class Adopts Army Methods
- Boys in ASTP Given Workouts
- Class Elections Now Completed
- Thomas, Pat. Bedridden Poet, Ruby Dell Bougher, Publishes Book
- Earl Shelton is to be Team Mentor
- Cadets Have Formal Review Every Saturday
- Rabbi Joseph Rauch Heard at Chapel
- First Presbyterian Church Opens Service Lounge
- Girls Enter Home Management House
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Military History | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 20, No. 3" (1943). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4501.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Military History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons