Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Hilltopics
- Looking Backward
- The Chapel Hour
- Alumni Flashes
- Weddings – Engagements
- Personals
- Music Notes
- Daily Doings
- The Service Column
- Spikes, Cleats & Sneakers
- Faculty Notes
- Here and There
This issue contains articles:
- WAC Elizabeth Strayhorn is Second Wac to be Lieutenant Colonel
- State Superintendent Scores Hit With Schoolmasters Club Address – John Williams
- Noted Hindu Editor to Speak at Chapel Hour – Pasupuleti Kirshnayya
- Distinguished Flying Cross Presented to Father of Sgt. Joseph Panepinto
- Former Student Killed in Action – Buford Lynch
- Mrs. M.C. Ford Made Cedar House Advisor
- Lieut. Malcolm McKenzie Killed in Crash Near Ft. Worth
- Lieut. Lewis Parrish Killed in Crash
- Capt. David Wilhite, Former Student, Believed Missing
- College High to Present Operetta
- Mrs. Rosin Cohn Employed in Office of Registrar
- Sophomores Hold Party at Kentucky Building
- Arthur Henderson, Robert Fries Present Program
- Paxton, Jean. Three Cheers for the Five Girls Who Lead Fans in Western Yells
- Mother of Student Dies During Visit – Mrs. Avery Dixon
- Paxton, Jean & Joe Bennewitz. Largest Crowd of Season Sees Big Red Team Do It Again to Murray
- Lt. Kenneth A. Bryant, Former Westerner, Draws Praise for Observation Work Against Germans
- ROTC Graduates are Making Major Contribution to War Effort, According to Brig. Gen. Edward Smith
- Thomas, Pat. Western’s Hill Mystery House
- New Books Added to College Library
- George Updegraff 321st College Training Detachment Head Made Captain
- President Paul Garrett Returns From Washington, D.C.
- Western Students Accepted for Graduate Schools
- Mr. Edwin Kwoh Heard at Chapel
- President’s Ball is Great Success
- Paxton, Jean. “He’s Really Quite Wonderful” – Keith Cloe
- Club Notes – Hopkins County, History, Girls Physical Education, Chemistry Physics, French, Biology
- Harris, Gloria. “Der Fuehrer” Available to Westerners Soon
- Museum Given Original Music of Professor Franz Strahm
- Geraldine Smith Named by 321st as Queen of Hill
- Talisman Ball to be in March
- Pep Rally Held Before Murray Tilt
- Miller, Marion. ‘You Get Out of It Just What You Put Into It,’ Says Referee Hickman Duncan
- Hilltoppers Seek Revenge Against Berea Quintet
- Red and Gray Team Wins 16th Tilt Over Breds in Regular Season Play
- Berea Trounces Hilltopper Team
- Major Ed Stansbury Has Article Published
- Toppers Lose to University of Louisville’s Cardinals in Final Minutes
- Ensign Glenn Williams Buried in Ohio
- Steel Engravings Added to Library
- Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Disbanded for Duration
- Introducing Western’s Junior Class President – Dorothy Williams
- Student Recitals are Resumed
- Room 300 Displays Art of Latin America
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Military History | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 20, No. 9" (1944). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4508.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Military History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons
Issue mis-numbered #7