Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Book Marks
- Rural School Notes
- Faculty Notes
- Kentucky Building News Society Page
- From the Press Box
- The Service Column
- Alumni Flashes
- Hilltopics
This issue contains articles:
- Grise, Finley. Dean Lauds Western’s Educational Standards
- Avalon Wins Future Farmers of America Field Day
- Mitchell Davis to Assist in Education Department
- Talisman Sent to Engraver
- Registrar Lists June Graduates
- Cooper, Margaret. Western Players Have 21st Hit With “The Barretts”
- Queen to be Crowned at Military
- Band Concert is Scheduled for May 2
- Preliminary Orations Held for State Contest
- Fourth in Dr. A.L. Crabb’s Nashville Series is Reviewed
- Too Old to Change?
- A Message from the President Paul Garrett
- Brown, Clyde. Veterans Village
- Shepherd, Ray. Good Neighbors Live in the Village
- To the High School Graduate
- 747 Have Registered in Library Science Since ‘29
- Many Fields Followed by Agriculture Majors
- Registrar’s Office Serves the Student
- English Division Heads Activities
- Language Courses are Varied
- Hilltopper Nine to See Action
- Multiple Objectives Characterize Physical Education Training Program
- Western Netters Score 5-1 Win
- Coach Carl Anderson Hired by Centre
- Ganem, Roger. Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association Marks 62nd Year in Southeastern Athletics
- Industrial Arts Reconverts
- Kelly Thompson Cited by Navy Department
- World War II Records Underscore ROTC Training
- Morningstar, Cora. College High’s Senior Play is Well-Received
- Effective Living Aim of Sociology Economics
- Complete Course in Smith-Huges Home Economics Offered
- Chemistry Plans for Future
- Biology Unit has Dual Function
- The College Heights Foundation Proves Its Worth in “Hard Times”
- Officers Added to Staff of Veterans Board
- Physics Keeps Advancing
- Fine Arts is Made Profitable
- Cook, Anna. “Mr. Tish” Laughs Out
- Geography, Geology Facilities are Complete
- Music Department Offers Unexcelled Opportunities
- Scholarships Made Available
- Club Notes – Studio, Arts & Crafts, Veterans, Cherry Country Life, Education Council, Baptist Student Union
- College High has Art Exhibit
- Barney Rapp and His New Englanders to Play for Military Ball Tonight
- Pre-Med, Pre-Dentistry Training Accredited Throughout Nation
- Thumb-Nail Sketches – Belle Embry, Elizabeth Hale, Gloria Harris, Lowell Harrison, Sibyl Henderson, Katherine Horstmann, Hazel Moseley, Kato Lile, John Kelly, Juanita Kelly, Virginia Price, Ruth Klein, Mrs. Webster Sugg, Dorothy Miller, Martha Sherrill, Alma Stevens, Horace Knight, Billye Mullen, Lucile Newton, Tom Venable, Howard Thomas
- Old Kentucky Home to be Visited – Geography-Geology Department
- Buildings on College Heights are Described – Van Meter Hall, WKU Farm, Cedar House, Health & Physical Education, Cherry Hall, Home Economics Building, Industrial Arts, Kentucky Building, Gordon Wilson Hall, Potter Hall, Schneider Hall, Ogden Hall, Snell Hall, Stadium
- State Music Festival to be Held Here April 27
- Kentucky Education Association Breakfast is Held
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Military History | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 22, No. 13" (1946). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4547.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Military History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons