Publication Date
Archival Science | Cataloging and Metadata | Library and Information Science
Recommended Citation
WKU University Libraries, "UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 4, No. 1" (1950). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 7370.
Library Leaves, a classified list of new acquisitions at the Margie Helm Library and Science Library, is produced under the direction of Mr. Simon Chen, head cataloger, assisted by Mrs. Ellen Johnson and Miss Doris Hardcastle as a service to the faculty and students of Western Kentucky University.
The arrangement is by Dewey Decimal classification system, with listing under general subject headings. The call number is followed by the author’s surname, a short title, and the date of publication. Fiction, biography, government documents, micro text, and other special categories, are grouped at the end of the list. The new acquisitions at the Science Library are indicated by SCI in front of the call numbers. Complete data on any title may be located by consulting the card catalogs in the Margie Helm Library and Science Library.
The Kentucky Library issues (a) separate list of its acquisitions. The publication of audio library tapes and records is prepared under separate cover.