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Letter from Margie Helm to WKU president Kelly Thompson regarding the naming of the Margie Helm Library in her honor:

New Year's Day, 1965

Dear Kelly:

I am still trying to get used to the wonderful thing that has happened to me. I shall write to the regents also to tell them how much I appreciate this compliment to me.

It is really a compliment to all the library staff who have cooperated with me to make the library give the best service that we could. You know how happy and yet how humble it makes you feel.

As I told you I feel unworthy because Sara Tyler has taken so much responsibility for the planning of this building. I have really stepped back and let her make decisions on the building that she would be living in. If it is possible to combine our names for the building it would please me and it could be announced that the change was at my suggestion. Of course I shall not mention this idea of mine. I told Sara when I just called her and I have told several other people that I told you that Sara had worked harder on the plans for the building than I have, and that you said, "Sara will get her honors later." Of course I shall not mention this suggestion of the combined names to anyone.

I shall have to behave myself to keep you and the regents from being sorry for your decision.

Harold and Mary were delighted and wanted the publicity about it. Blakey and Tom and their families were pleased too, and Aunt Louise Blakey here with me.

It has been a real pleasure to work with you before you became president and especially since that time. Your dedicated life has given us a wise administration during the present and challenging plans for the future. The town people and people out in the state, the students, faculty, and alumni are very complimentary. And as I said earlier, it is a real compliment to us at Western to have you speak for the state colleges at the President Oswald's inauguration.

Best wishes for a happy New Year to you and Sarah and Kelly and Patti and her family.

Yours sincerely,

Margie Helm


Communication | Higher Education Administration | Leadership Studies | Library and Information Science
