Publication Date
Scrapbook created by WKU President's Office during Henry Cherry's tenure. Page numbers correspond to original and may not match pdf.
- 5,000 Persons At Barbecue on Normal Heights - 17
- 500 Students at Work on Normal Heights - 43
- A Hero With a Story - 36
- About Fifty Automobiles Take Eastern Farmers Over Large Part of Warren County Today - 29
- Accurate Information - 11
- America vs Germany Legal Way W.H. Taft Discussed - 38
- An Attractive Musical Program - 22
- Another Capacity Crowd Attends Conference - 37
- Banquet in Honor of Prof. Cherry - 29
- Before Senate - 6
- Best of All Music Festivals 1914 - 23
- Bishop Advises Development of Individuality - 6
- Boosters Club - 15
- Bowling Green Music Festival a Grand Affair - 24
- Captain Victor S. Strahm the Only Bowling Green Boy in United States Air Forces Who Qualified as an Ace - 41
- Cherry Reluctant to Resign as Head of Normal School - 27
- Cherry, Henry - 13 photo
- Class of 1915 Song lyrics - 30-32
- Committee Will Urge Fiscal Court to Great Action - 15
- Corson, O.T. - 8 photo
- Crabb, Alfred - 40
- Crume, Frances - 24 photo
- Daniels Lauds Wilson in Independence Day Address in This City - 44
- Dead Philanthropist and Notable Riverman - 1
- Donovan, ? - 28
- Dr. Cherry to Make Race for Governor in 1919; Makes Statement - 41
- Dr. Corson's Lectures 1913 - 8
- Dr. Hillis Lectured Here Twice Yesterday - 1
- Dr. M'Vey Addresses Rural Life Conference - 38
- Dulaney, Robert. Good Roads - 14
- Education Reforms Get Quick Ear - 6
- Eighth Annual Music Festival Will Be Given 1918 - 42
- Everything in Readiness for Opening of Great Music Festival at Vanmeter Hall - 24
- Everything is Ready for Opening of Last Farmers' Chautauqua - 10
- Fair That Made a Town Wake Up - 4 photo
- Farmers' Chautauqua is Described in Collier's - 11
- Farmers' Rally - 18
- Farmers' Rally 1913 - 8
- Father of Chautauqua Movement - 13
- Features Friday's Festival - 26
- Feel Need of Educational Awakening - 19
- For a Greater Kentucky - 17
- Former President Taft Will Address Children - 37
- Good Roads - 19
- Good Roads Meeting - 19
- Gov. Morrow Will Be Guest of City Tuesday; to Speak at Normal School - 44
- Gov. Stanley Greeted by Immense Audience at New Vanmeter Hall This Morning - 33
- Gratifying But Not Surprising - 20
- Great Audience Greets Perigord Last Night - 37
- Great Crowd at Chautauqua Sep. 29, 1913 - 11
- Great Musical Treat in Store for Citizens of Bowling Green - 24
- Great Praise for Professor Strahm - 26
- H.H. Cherry Mentioned as a Possible Candidate for Governor of State - 21
- Hallow'een Carnival 1915 - 33
- Hallowe'en Celebration on Normal Heights 1912 - 4
- Has High Opinion of Western Ky. Normal - 44
- House Votes School Money - 12
- Ideal Candidate for Governor - 21
- Inquiry into Western Normal to Open - 20
- Interesting Exercises Arranged for Meeting - 4
- Kentucky Boy Who Gave His Life for Liberty Nov. 27, 1918 - 40
- Kentucky Educational Association. Declaration of Principles and Aims 1913 - 7
- Large Crowd Attends Opening of Chautauqua Near Richardsville - 10
- Last of the Series - 15
- Laying of Corner Stone New Girl's Dormitory Interesting - 43
- Light of the World - 23
- Local Writer Has Story in Black Cat Magazine - 40
- Love, Paul - 40 photo
- Magnificent Tribute to Robert E. Lee - 5
- Many Thousands Attend Convention, portion removed - 16
- Massie, Robert - 38
- McClure, Lottie. The New Day - 9
- Meeting at School Houses - 14
- Military Training In Western Kentucky State Normal School - 42
- Miss Iva Scott - 44
- Miss Scott's Death is Keenly Felt at Normal 1921 - 42
- More Work Being Done on the Roads of the County - 15
- Mount Pleasant Farmers' to Form Booster Club - 8
- Music Festival Ends - 23
- Music Lovers' Treat - 22
- Nelson County Teachers Institute - 2
- New Candidate - 21
- Normal Girls Nab Mythical State Crown 1923 - 45
- Normal Heights Flag at Half Mast in Honor of Hiram K. Cole - 40
- Normal Heights Will Put on Some Extensive Street Improvements - 18
- Normal Notes - 28
- Normal ROTC Heads List of Fifteen Highest Schools - 42
- Not Equitable - 20
- Noted Soldier at Normal Gives Great Address - 38
- November 14 - 11
- Opening of May Festival Greeted by Throngs at Van Meter Hall Last Night - 25
- Over 1,500 New Teachers - 1
- Patriotic Meet on Normal Heights - 34
- Perigord, Paul - 36
- Platform of Normal Moot Legislature - 2
- Potter Succeeded by Cuthbertson on Board of Regents - 45
- Potter, J. Whit - 26
- Praise Western Normal School Feb. 19, 1914 - 20
- President Cherry and Western Normal Students Working Road - 13 photo
- Prof Strahm Brings Audience to Tears - 34
- Prof. A.M. Stickles Wil Not Compile History of County - 41
- Prof. Cherry to Resume His Former Post 1915 - 28
- Prosperous Institution - 1
- Raps Appropriation Bill - 22
- Re-Appointed Regent - 26
- Recital at Normal is Highly Appreciated - 34
- Result State Primary at Normal Heights - 2
- Roemer, Joseph - 4
- Rountree Wins Intersociety Contest - 1 [University of Kentucky]
- Rural Life and Rural School Conference song sheet - 39
- Rural Life Conference Program Completed - 41
- Series of Lectures by Dr. C.J. Calpin - 18
- Strahm, Franz - 25 photo, 26
- Summer School Opens Monday 1914 - 27
- Teachers and Students Go to Training Camps - 40
- Teachers' Institute - 2
- The Alumni Banquet - 33
- The County's Illiterate - 19
- The Good Roads Problem - 18
- The Last Chautauqua - 11
- The Little President - 33
- The Platform That US Commissioner of Education Declares Will Make for Greater and Better Kentucky - 3
- The Right Man - 27
- The Rural Life and School Conference - 34-36
- The Superintendents' Reception - 37
- The Western Normal - 20
- To Have Domestic Science Exhibit - 27
- To Speak at Alumni Assn. - 28
- Tribute to Lester Bryant - 1
- Unusual Opportunity For Our Citizens - 28
- Vanmeter, C.J. - 1 photo
- Very Successful - 18
- Warren County Author Coming to the Front - 40
- Wins $75 Prize With Essay on Peaceful Relations - 4
- WKSN Regent Dies at Buffalo, NY 1918 - 40
- Wm. H. Taft Patriotic Speaker Rural Life Conference - 37
- Word Received from the Front Victor H. Strahm Apr. 1918- 40
- Working County Roads - 14
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Recommended Citation
WKU President's Office - Cherry, "UA3/1/3 Scrapbook" (1923). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 9624.
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American Politics Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons