Submissions from 2025
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 34. Did Alfred Russel Wallace’s Chief Assistant from His Expedition to the Malay Archipelago Really Name Himself Ali Wallace?, George Beccaloni and Charles H. Smith editor
Bibliography, Mary P. Bennett
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 35. Natural Selection by Evolution., Charles H. Smith
Submissions from 2024
Serving Students with Disabilities: Institutions & Programs, Aaron W. Hughey and Casey Yocum
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 29. Extraterrestrial Entertainment: Are We Being Monitored by Alien Beings?, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 30. Wallace A Theist? Part I., Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 31. Wallace’s Personal Copy of “Life of Alexander von Humboldt.”, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 32. Wallace on the Tigers of Singapore, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 33. The Story in Evolution., Charles H. Smith
Bibliography, Charles H. Smith
James Hyde (d. 1875) and Wife Mary Wright (d. 1865), of Long Island and New York City., Charles H. Smith
Two New Baseball Performance Statistics, Charles H. Smith
Submissions from 2023
Bibliography, Cathy H. Abell
Bibliography, Audrey L. Anton
Bibliography, James W. Barker
Use of Sources in Ancient Compositions, James W. Barker
Bibliography, Maire M. Blankenship
Bibliography, Kristi Branham
Bibliography, Dorothea Browder
Bibliography, Monica G. Burke
Bibliography, Miwon Choe
Bibliography, John M. Cipolla
Bibliography, Patricia Desrosiers
Bibliography, Susann deVries
Bibliography, Mark Doggett
Bibliography, Dr. Jill D. Duba
Bibliography, Lacretia Dye
Bibliography, Jane Fife
Bibliography, Connie Foster
Bibliography, Elizabeth Gafford
Bibliography, Austin G. Griffiths
Bibliography, Chris Groves
Bibliography, Anthony Harkins
Bibliography, Whitney Harper
Bibliography, Anne Heintzman
Bibliography, Matthew Herman
Bibliography, Cheryl Hopson
Bibliography, Gary Houchens
Bibliography, Aaron W. Hughey
Does a College Degree Really Influence Economic Success? It's Complicated, Aaron W. Hughey
The Myth of Shared Governance in Higher Education, Aaron W. Hughey
The Problem with Accreditation as an Extension of Privilege and How to Fix It: Primer and A Roadmap for New Professionals, Aaron W. Hughey
Delusions, Demographics, and Denial: Higher Education's Future in Kentucky and Elsewhere, Aaron W. Hughey and Karl Laves
Bibliography, Trish Lindsey Jaggers
Bibliography, Jonathan Jeffrey
Bibliography, M. Susan Jones
Bibliography, Molly Kerby
Bibliography, Bruce Kessler
Bibliography, Eric Kondratieff
Bibliography, Alison Langdon
Bibliography, Kim Link
Bibliography, Maria E. Main
Bibliography, Gayle Mallinger
Bibliography, Rosemary L. Meszaros
Bibliography, Jack G. Montgomery Jr.
Bibliography, Lesley Montgomery
Bibliography, Leslie North
Bibliography, Anthony L. Paganelli
Bibliography, Donna C. Parker
Bibliography, Nancy Richey
Bibliography, Kim Riddle
Bibliography, Andrew Rosa
(In Memoriam) John H. Bracey, Jr. Teacher, Mentor, Scholar-Activist, Andrew Rosa
Bibliography, Selena Sanderfer
Bibliography, Bruce A. Schulte
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 25. Wallace and the 'Physical Environment'., Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 26: Confessions of a 'Wallace Enthusiast', Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 27. When Wallace Broke with Darwin., Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 28. Wallace's 'Change of Mind', Revisited, Charles H. Smith
The Identity of Lucina, Wife of John A. Tarrant (d. 1864) of New York, New York, Charles H. Smith
Twelve Wallace Myths, Charles H. Smith
The Systems Measurement of Mammalian Biotas, Part Two, Charles H. Smith, Patrick Georges, and Ngoc Nguyen
Bibliography, Christy L. Spurlock
Bibliography, Sandra Staebell
Bibliography, Trini Stickle
Bibliography, Huanjing Wang
Bibliography, Aaron Wichman
Bibliography, Haiwang Yuan
Submissions from 2022
Curriculum Vitae, James W. Barker
Eusebian Canon Ten in Codex Fuldensis, James W. Barker
WKU Course Evaluations, James W. Barker
Making the Grade: Increasing Inclusivity Through Equitable Evaluation Practices: Poster, Patricia Desrosiers and Gayle Mallinger
Making the Grade: Increasing Inclusivitiy Through Equitable Evaluation Practices, Gayle Mallinger, Simon Funge, and Paige Cato
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 19: Social Evolution's Useful Idiots, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 21: Wallace & the Doorway to the Universe, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 22: Stumbling Blocks to an Understanding of Wallace's Worldview, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 23: The Jersey Devil, and Friends, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 24. Wallace at 200: Potential Subjects for Student Theses, Charles H. Smith
Submissions from 2021
Higher Edquity: Developing the DEI Community of Practice and One WKU Inclusive Teaching Academy, Fabian Alvarez, Marko Dumančić, Kimberly Green, Michelle Green, and Gayle Mallinger
Historical-Critical Methods, James W. Barker
The Acts of John within the Johannine Corpus, James W. Barker
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 15. Wallace's Many "Hats": What Should We Call Him?, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 16: The Flexible Wallace, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 17: More on the South Asian Connection, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 18: Wallace on the Balance of Nature, Charles H. Smith
Alfred Russel Wallace Notes 8: Wallace's Earliest Exposures to the Writings of Alexander von Humboldt, Charles H. Smith
The Lineage of Abby Benson (1801/02 - 1866), of Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Charles H. Smith
Submissions from 2020
Narrative Chronology of Tatian's Diatessaron, James W. Barker
UA37/2 If This Next Apocalypse Gets Canceled or Postponed, Tom Hunley
UA37/2 Autism Isn't Coronavirus, Tom C. Hunley