A Beginner's Guide to SoTL Research

Presentation Type



The goal of this presentation is to provide guidance to those interested in conducting research on the science of teaching and learning (SoTL). The steps of the research process are highlighted including how to find a topic and develop a knowledge base of existing literature. Example sources of information are provided for participants, including resources to use in developing research topics and reviewing the literature. Publication outlets for SOTL research are included in addition to a review of the standards and rigor of different publication formats. The power of collaboration is emphasized and ideas for finding research partners interested in conducting SoTL research are discussed.



A Beginner's Guide to SoTL Research

The goal of this presentation is to provide guidance to those interested in conducting research on the science of teaching and learning (SoTL). The steps of the research process are highlighted including how to find a topic and develop a knowledge base of existing literature. Example sources of information are provided for participants, including resources to use in developing research topics and reviewing the literature. Publication outlets for SOTL research are included in addition to a review of the standards and rigor of different publication formats. The power of collaboration is emphasized and ideas for finding research partners interested in conducting SoTL research are discussed.

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