Mid-Atlantic Chapter Conference Proceedings - American College of Sports Medicine
Sex Differences in Estimating Cardiac Autonomic Function Using Heart Rate Variability: Effects of Oral Capsaicin
K S. Zaleski, A O. Gyampo, B Lora, T Tomasi, M Lynch, G Giuriato, E Basso, E Finegan, J Schickler, M Venturelli, and S J. Ives
Correlations Between Remote Learning and Undergraduate Sleep and Exercise Habits
A Whiteside, B Cook, E Hoopes, and S Green
Carotid Artery Stiffness decreases in Older Women Following 6-Month Aerobic Exercise Intervention
C M. Weiner, S E. Mascone, L E. Eagan, E F. Blake, D D. Callow, G S. Pena, J Won, Y Kommula, N A. Arnold-Nedimala, J. C. Smith, and S M. Ranadive
Acute Cardiovascular Response to Cell Phone Use in College Students
E Weinbeck, P Boucher, J Chan, N Cashin, J Homitz, and J J. Guers
The Impact of the Cold Pressor Test on Inter-arm Differences in Blood Pressure
A C. Watts, L A. Naylor, N R. Uba, B T. Jensen, and M E. Holmstrup
Effects of a Six-Week Walking Intervention on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Mental Well Being
N R. Turbett, S N. Munford, C A. Witmer, and E J. Sauers FACSM
Attitudes Surrounding Group vs. Individual Cycling During COVID-19
A Trumbetti, S Razon, L W. Judge, and M G. Ramick
Ability to Reproduce RPE while Self-Selecting Treadmill Speed vs Incline
K M. Thal, A Y. Lesniak, and C B. Dixon FACSM
The Effect of Facial Coverings on Prediction of Aerobic Capacity During a Maximal Treadmill Test
K A. Stauffer and J. D. Mosinksi
Repetitive Brain Stimulation Does Not Influence Perceived Exertion During Maximal Cycle Ergometer Protocol
J W. Stauffer, F S. Proessl, M C. Canino, J M. Baker, J R. Hougland, D R. Huck, R J. Campbell, C Connaboy, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Do College Students View Walking as Physical Activity? Relationship between Walking and Physical Activity Perceptions
E A. Soliva, K M. Fritz, and S J. Kovacs
Perceptions of Monitoring Techniques for Fatigue Used by Strength Coaches on NCAA Women's Soccer Players
B W. Snyder, B T. Oddi, R A. Hess, M S. Federico, S E. Davis, and B. Snyder
Effect of Late versus Early Chronotype on Fuel Metabolism During Exercise
A Smith Jr., M E. Remchak, U Cheema, E M. Heiston, and S K. Malin FACSM
Effects of a Multi-Strain Probiotic on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in College-Aged Individuals
M A. Slack, D L. Ault, K W. Brest, J C. Meola, G E. Elsey, P D. Wilkinson, S J. Neu, and C J. Morris
Work-Related Exercise Programming for Firefighters: A Mixed Method Design
L A. Sherlock, J M. Thomas, and M P. Leary
Effects of Acute Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Neuroplasticity- A Pilot Study
M D. Shafer, S Razon, E Kubachka, and M G. Ramick
Slow Wave Activity Sleep is Significantly Associated with Decision-Making During Simulated Military Operational Stress
N M. Sekel, W R. Conkright, M E. Beckner, A D. LaGoy, F Proessl, L R. Jabloner, A L. Beck, S Eagle, M Lovalekar, A Haufler, F Ferrerelli, A Germain, M Dretsch, S D. Flanagan, C Connaboy, and B C. Nindl FACSM
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mood and Motivation in Division 2 Athletes
L Sedjo, D Kohan, T Runge, R Overton, H D. Gerhart, and M P. Bayles FACSM
The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Quantity and Body Composition in a College Population
J M. Schraer and E J. Sauers FACSM
Resistance and Endurance Training Improve Exercise Enjoyment and Happiness in Young Adults
A J. Schlosser, J E. Harris, M G. Ramick, R Howard, and S Razon
The Effect of Bisphenols A and S Exposure on Dyslipidemia, Oxidative stress, and Physical Fitness in Normal and Overweight/Obese Young Adults
J M. dos Santos, J N. Jones Fairmont State University, T Sine, C Griffith, and A C. Haney
Relation between middle cerebral artery pulsatility index and hippocampal tissue integrity in healhy adults
F Sanjana, P L. Delgorio, T M. DeConne, C L. Johnson, and C R. Martens
Inverse Salt Sensitivity in Normotensive Adults: Role of Demographic Factors
N T. Romberger, J M. Stock, J C. Patik, R K. McMillan, S L. Lennon, D G. Edwards, and W B. Farquhar
Heart Rate Responses to Three Unweighted Conditions on an Alter-G Treadmill
L B. Roberts, J Santaniello, B N. Bellovary, J F. Hokanson, and E Lind
The Effect Habitual Exercise on Older Adults Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
S L. Resnick, E V. Fridley, M S. Mutambudzi, and K S. Heffernan
Reduced Aortic Waveform Responses to Insulin in Late Chronotype with Metabolic Syndrome
M E. Remchak, E M. Heiston, A Ballantyne, B L. Dotson, and S K. Malin FACSM
Effect of Chronotype on Non-Exercise Physical Activity Patterns and Metabolic Insulin Sensitivity
T J. Ragland, J K. Dosik, M E. Remchak, E M. Heiston, U Cheema, and S K. Malin FACSM
Corticospinal Excitability and the Size of Motor Cortex Representation Reflect Distinct Aspects of Corticomotor Function
F Proessl, M C. Canino, J Hougland, J Baker, D R. Huck, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Association Between Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines with Ambulation, Quality of Life, and Inflammation in Claudication
W A. Pomilla, P S. Montgomery, M Wang, B Shen, S Zhang, and A W. Gardner
Differences in Tibialis Anterior Mitochondrial Capacity in Recreationally Active Younger and Middle-aged Adults
J S. Parks, N D. Knuth, H Park, and R Q. Landers-Ramos
Racial Disparities in Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
L Nguyen, M A. Reed FACSM, J Harris, and M G. Ramick
Passive Arm Movement to Induce an Inter-Arm Difference in Systolic Blood Pressure
L A. Naylor, A C. Watts, N R. Uba, B T. Jensen, and M E. Holmstrup
Is there an Optimal HIIT Protocol for Muscular Development of Adolescent Athletes?
M Seo, J Lee, H C. Jung, J Y. Kim, and J K. Song
Relationship between self-efficacy and physical activity in individuals with and without chronic hip pain
M A. Murro and K N. Jochimsen
The Relationship Between Sleep and Perception of Performance in College Athletes
S C. Mosey, A Wyland, B Light, M Herigan, S Mitchell, and J I. Sanders
The Effects of Elevated Sodium on Mitochondrial Function in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
J D. Mehrer, J C. Patik, and D G. Edwards
The Effect of Vigorous Exercise on the Inter-Arm Difference in Systolic Blood Pressure
B A. McEldowney, S B. Markle, J D. Keyser, C M. Dillion, A M. Hahn, B D.H. Gordon, B T. Jensen, and M E. Holmstrup
Cesarean Section Delivery Does Not Impact Postpartum Weight Loss and Recovery
L J. McDonald, J R. DeLuca, and N D. Knuth
Peak satellite cell proliferation for regenerative myogenesis takes place 24-72h post injury in mouse muscles
D AG Mázala, Q Kastle, D Alladi, R Hindupur, J Novak, J Jaiswal, and T Partridge
Effects of Wearing a Surgical Mask During Moderate Exercise on Muscle and Blood Oxygen Saturation
V F. Maybruck, J C. Gemperline, B M. DiCesare, and C E. Ellis
Racial Differences in ROS Production and SOD Activity Following Induced Inflammation
S E. Mascone, K I. Kim, S J. Prior, and S M. Ranadive
NSAID Usage Patterns & Amount of Negative Side Effects in Shippensburg University Student Athletes
B Louden, M Rowe, R Smith, M Lingard, A Castro, and S T. Forlenza
Impact of COVID-19 on Perceptions of Health, Well-Being, and College Experience in Division III Student-Athletes
P V. Loomis and N M. Gilbertson
Regulator of G Protein Signaling 14 Disruption Affects the Gut Microbiota and Metabolome in Mice
C R. Longoria, O Ibironke PhD, L J. Kerkhof PhD, M Oydanich, X Su PhD, E Chiles, S F. Vatner MD, and S C. Campbell PhD FACSM
Estrogen Augments the Cardiac Functional Response to B2-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation in Young Female Rate Hearts
Y Liu, S Ranadive, and S Kuzmiak-Glancy
The Impact of Gender on Self-Reported RPE during a Graded Exercise Test
A Y. Lesniak, K M. Thal, and C B. Dixon FACSM
Comparison of Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Kinematic Parameters During Baseball Pitching Between Fastballs and Curveballs
B Lerch, G Papachristos, and R. T. Richardson
The Impact of High Intensity Interval Training on Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus
D A. Lenhart, G Pinto-Zipp, R J. Boergers, and G Moir
Oral Health and Salivary IgA Responses in Division 1 Female Athletes
B K. Leary, M E. Leary, S Bryner, M Pycraft, R Engle I, M Olfert, and R W. Bryner
Dietary Protein Intake and Sarcopenia from the 2003-2004 National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey
A Kwok and M Bruneau Jr.
Sex-differences in Bone Density, Geometry, and Estimated Strength Adaptations to 10-weeks of Military Officer Training
K J. Koltun, M B. Bird, N M. Sekel, M Lovalekar, B J. Martin, Q Mi, and B C. Nindl FACSM
Nutritional Knowledge and Body Dissatisfaction in NCAA Division II College Athletes
J R. Klugh, S E. Davis, and T M. Lapotsky
The Effects of a Novel Muscle Activation Technique on Performance Parameters in Collegiate Football Players
K L. Kelley, J D. Buxton, L M. Stanforth, J M. Book, J Herrick, C Shoemaker, G R. Fleck, and P J. Prins
The Effects of a Resistance Training Program on Arterial Stiffness in Young, Healthy Females
D M. Kalita, J M. Ancalmo, C J. Gimblet, A M. Mirza, A T. Ortlip, T K. Pellinger, J M. Walter, and T J. Werner
Eating Disorders Risk Within Division III Atlantic East Conference Female Athletes
S L. Judkins and Dr. A Gairola
The Interrelationship of Bisphenols-A and -S, Lipid Profiles, and Their Effect on Glucose Uptake
J N. Jones, T S. Sine, C P. Griffith, A C. Haney, and J M. DosSantos
Inter-set Voluntary Hyperventilation-aided Recovery Does Not Improve Bench Press and Squat in Recreationally Trained Individuals
D W. Jones, I J. Thrasher, M N. Faulkner, E M. Robertson, P J. Prins, G L. Welton, D L. Ault, and J D. Buxton
Forced Marching with Load Decreases Tibiofemoral Joint Space Compared to Running
C C. Johnson, K T. Krajewski, D E. Dever, A Rai, W J. Anderst, and C Connaboy
Arterial Blood Pressure Responses Reflect Differences in Alter-G Treadmill Chamber Pressure in College Age Participants
J Santaniello, L B. Roberts, B N. Bellovary, J F. Hokanson, and E Lind
Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Mood When Targeting Motor-Related Brain Regions
D R. Huck, F S. Proessl, M C. Canino, J M. Baker, J R. Hougland, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Little Variability in Active Motor Thresholds of Trunk and Leg Muscles Across Days
J R. Hougland, F Proessl, M C. Canino, J M. Baker, D R. Huck, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Time-Site differences in Cancer Survivors Ratings of Distress due to COVID-19 and Exercise Clinics Closure
K K. Holmes, S M. LoRusso, K Wisniewski, J Heitzenrater, S Baker, K Y. Wonders, C Teranishi-Hashimoto, and P Yamada
Associations of Workplace Design with Workday Sedentary Behavior and Sit-to-Stand Transitions
A J. Holmes, T D. Quinn, J L. Paley, M B. Conroy FACSM, and B B. Gibbs
Thermal Strain During Endurance Running Events
M P. Heller, K Repko, K Mantzios, L G. Ioannou, E J. Ryan, A E. Carrillo, and A D. Flouris
Perspectives on Participation in and Support for Youth Physical Activity Opportunities in Low-Income, African American Neighborhoods
M P. Heintzelman, R R. Suminski, S M. Robson, and G R. Dominick
Effects of Oxidative Stress versus Cytokine-dependent Inflammation on the release of Endothelial Microparticles
J M. Heilman, W S. Evans, and S J. Prior
The Impact of VO2 and Cardiovascular Drift on Submaximal Exercise utilizing ACSM's Cycle Metabolic Equation
A L. Heffelfinger, N E. Miller, D M. Cummings, and D M. Babbitt
Ambulatory Arterial Stiffness, Salivary Inflammation, and Physical Activity in Young Adults With and Without COVID-19
A R. Heckel, D M. Arcidiacono, K A. Coonan, A C. Glasgow, J P. DeBlois, B B. Gump, T V. Barreira FACSM, J Y. Kim, and K S. Heffernan FACSM
Vascular Function and Physical Activity in Young and Middle-aged Adults
A Hauser, J Parks, N D. Knuth, H Park, and R Q. Landers-Ramos
Do Racial Differences Exist in Blood Pressure and Vascular Stiffness in Otherwise Healthy Young Men?
A O. Gyampo, K S. Zaleski, B Lora, T Tomasi, M Lynch, G Giuriato, E Basso, E Finegan, J Schickler, M Venturelli, and S J. Ives
Family History of Hypertension and Heart Rate Results from the Variable Height Step Test
D Gwon, F M. Horvat, R R. Horn, D A. Phillips, and E L. Matthews
Comparison of Self-Myofascial Release Methods on Ankle Range of Motion, Balance, and Patient Reported Comfort
G Gunn, B Trujillo, R Koehler, G Garcia, and D Stapleton
The Effect of Meditation on Heart Rate Variability
R M. Gonzales, R Hartman, H K. Logan, C S. Luckenbill, S N. Cassel, and H. S. Kieffer FACSM
Thrive: Impact of a Mind, Body, Soul Program on Anxiety Symptoms and Quality of Life
A M. Glatfelter and M B. Smith
Association of Muscular Strength with Pulse Pressure and Aortic Calcification in Older Adults
A C. Glasgow, T V. Barreira FACSM, S Y. Jae, and K S. Heffernan FACSM
Capturing Client Feedback for the Reopening of a Medical Fitness Facility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
D L. Gilleland and M E. Leary
A Qualitative Analysis of Student-Athletes' Experiences During COVID-19: "It's hard to feel like an athlete."
K E. Garry, V B. Shah, and M B. Stephens
Hand Dominance and Head Impact Location in Collegiate Ice Hockey
C A. Gallo, G N. Desroches, J E. Tolzman, A C. Lutrykowski, and J M. Rosene
Acute Exercise-Induced Changes in Extracellular Vesicle Cargo in Adults with or Without Type 2 Diabetes
W S. Evans, S Kronstadt, J M. Heilman, D Cheng, S M. Jay, and S J. Prior
Assessment of Peripheral Versus Central Autonomic Control of Vascular Function in Healthy Subjects
M Elzokm, J Philips, Dr. A Gow, and E Stevenson
Comparison of Muscle Activation Across Three-Straight-Legged Hinge Exercises
S H. Ellestad, J E. Scheaffer, N C. Novak, C A. Weber, M E. Holmstrup, and J R. Dicus
Light Physical Activity Relates to Insulin Sensitivity and Earlier Time of Day in Metabolic Syndrome
J K. Dosik, T J. Ragland, E M. Heiston, U Cheema, A Spaeth, and S K. Malin FACSM
Physical Activity Patterns and Beliefs of Medical Fitness Facility Clients During COVID-19
D A. Donley, D L. Gilleland, J M. Thomas, D E. Bonner, L A. Sherlock, B K. Leary, P D. Chantlet, and M E. Leary
Mental Health and Central and Peripheral 24-Hour Blood Pressure in Emergency Responders
J P. DeBlois and K S. Heffernan
Does Performing Resistance Exercise to Failure Homogenize the Stimulus?
S J. Dankel, R J. Exner, M H. Patel, and D V. Whitener
The Effects of a Regular Yoga Practice on Mental Health in College Students during COVID-19
O Cunningham, M A. Reed, S Razon, J Harris, and M G. Ramick
Critical Environmental Limit Protocol: Validity and Reliability (PSU HEAT)
R M. Cottle, S. T. Wolf, Z S. Lichter, and W. L. Kenney
Effect of ketogenic diet on exercise efficiency and metabolic regulation during exercise in adults
W Cho, J Y. Jeon, and J Y. Kim
Oxygen Consumption and Heart Rate Responses Between Different Sequences of a Vinyasa Yoga Practice
C A. Cheruka, S A. Sherman, K K. Davis FACSM, and C E. Kline FACSM
Anaerobic Power of Division-1 Competitive Dancers
H Chenoweth, J Dodrill, E E. Pistilli, L Florence, and B K. Leary
Ultra-Processed Food is Associated with BMI, Sedentary Time, and Adverse Dietary Patterns in Young Adults
B T. Capra, E L. Matthews, A L. Kerrihard, and P A. Hosick
Perceived Muscle Soreness Does Not Modulate Corticospinal Excitability
M C. Canino, F S. Proessl, J R. Hougland, J M. Baker, D R. Huck, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Hydration Does Not Influence Corticospinal Excitability
R J. Campbell, M C. Canino, F S. Proessl, J R. Hougland, J M. Baker, D R. Huck, J W. Stauffer, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
Establishing Inter-Day Reliability of Neuromuscular Coordination of the Lower Extremity During a Drop-Jump Landing
K N. Callaghan, A L. Daly-Smith, B T. Capra, and D A. Phillips
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis: Insight into Subclinical Atherosclerosis
S E. Brackett, T V. Barreira, J P. DeBlois, J Y. Kim, and K S. Heffernan
Brachial Artery Low-Flow-Mediated Constriction (L-FMC) is Augmented in Older Women
E F. Blake, S E. Mascone, L E. Eagan, C M. Weiner, J. C. Smith, and S M. Ranadive
Sex-Differences in Counter Movement Jump Kinetics and Kinematics Following 10-week Marine Officer Candidates School
M B. Bird, K J. Koltun, M Lovalekar, J N. Forse, Q Mi, B J. Martin, and B C. Nindl FACSM
Hydration is More Important than Exogenous Carbohydrate Intake during Push-to-the-Finish Cycling in the Heat
C W. Berry, S. T. Wolf, R M. Cottle, and W. L. Kenney
Effects of Cell Culture Conditions on Extracellular Vesicle Production in Human Embryonic Kidney Cells
G M. Balascio, K T. Shuler, A D. Mitchell, E R. Munoz, B E. Wilson, and M B. Hudson
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Does not Improve Lower Extremity Anaerobic Physical Fatigue in Healthy Participents
J M. Baker, F Proessl, M C. Canino, J R. Hougland, D R. Huck, J W. Stauffer, R J. Campbell, C Connaboy, B C. Nindl FACSM, and S D. Flanagan
The Influence of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A Polymorphisms and Caffeine Consumption under Anaerobic Conditions
K Armstrong, M Sedholm, M Shin, and H. S. Kieffer FACSM
Oral Health in Division 1 Female Athletes
K Arjuna, S Bryner, M Pycraft, R Engle, B K. Leary, M E. Leary, and R W. Bryner
The Relationship of Nutritional Intake and BPA and BPS Exposure to Muscle Power in College Students.
A C. Haney, T Sine, J Jones, and J dos Santos