Bowling Green | Western Kentucky University Research | TopSCHOLAR®

During the fall semester of 2018 three Anthropology majors interested in Museum Studies worked as interns in WKU Archives to create an exhibit entitled Bowling Green. The students, Jennifer Roberts, Jordan Mansfield and Beth Sutherland were given seven exhibit cases. They each chose two topics to fill six cases and they collaborated on the topic of education for the seventh and largest of the cases.

Jennifer's work is showcased in the Architecture and People sections. Jordan chose Beech Bend and Theater. And Beth created cases regarding Cemeteries and Religion. The three students worked together to create the WKU case. They also created the online component that you see here, choosing the images, documents and artifacts and writing the descriptions.

This particular online exhibit may grow as we barely scratched the surface of Bowling Green's interesting history. There are more stories to tell and many more students who are interested in telling them. In the meantime, I'd like to thank Jennifer, Jordan and Beth for their hard work and dedication to seeing this project through.

Suellyn Lathrop, WKU Archivist


Browse the Bowling Green Collections:


Beech Bend




