"W Club Memo" by Edgar Diddle


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Letter from E.A. Diddle to members of the W Club. All current and former WKU athletes are eligible for membership

Dear Fellows:

After the spring semester is over, you know from experience that it is only a short time until the fall semester begins. And being true members of the W Club, you are still a Western athlete, a member of that family which must stay together if our future teams are to continue to grow. Consequently, we are asking that you keep in touch with the school by personal visits, correspondence, or what have you. we want to know what you are doing, how we can help you, and most of all we want to tell you how you can help us.

So we are enclosing in this letter a blank which we are asking very earnestly that you fill out at once according to directions. Take your pen in hand, sit down comfortably and do this little writing stunt conscientiously and you will be a hundred per cent, full-fledged, dyed-in-the wool W Club member and a loyal member of our family. Enclosed herein you will also find a schedule for next season football.

Our athletic program is growing. And it means much to you fellows who are out to have it grow. We are starting now our new $250,000 Health and Gym Building which will be completed next January 1. When it is finished, it will be the most modern as well as one of the largest in the entire South. Our seating capacity will be approximately 6,000 -- so it matters not how large our immediate family may come to be, we'll have room for them.

Our new football field looks like a beautiful green carpet. And just now we are building around it a cinder track, which if engineering can make it, will be perfect in every detail.

Help us out boys! Get a few of Western's problems on your mind. Let us hear from you -- be a 100% loyal worker and keep that famous Western fight coursing through your veins, and every time the old school calls on you -- hit the line a little harder.

Give every one of the members that you see a hearty handshake. Save some for me too, because I am going out on the road soon to greet you and to seek new persons whom you will recommend as athletes, capable and worthy of wearing the old W which means much to us all.

We have engaged the services of Mr. Elam, A.B. and M.A. who will with "Gander" Terry and myself form the Coaching Staff next year. Mr. Elam has had notable success at Transylvania College, and there is every reason to believe he will be better here. Lets give him a cordial welcome, a whole-hearted support, and every ounce of Western loyalty in the true Western sense.

May your vacation be enjoyable, profitable and stimulating.

Expressing best wishes to every one, I am

Yours for Western

E.A. Diddle, Director of Athletics


Western Kentucky University, Athletics (WKU), W Club


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