"Visitors from Louisville Are Impressed" by Bill Ladd


Bill Ladd


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Article by the Louisville Courier-Journal reporter Bill Ladd reprinted in the College Heights Herald.

(Ed. Note: Bill Ladd, who witnessed the Western - U. of L. fracas Saturday night, summed up the week-end festivities in Tuesday's Courier Journal in the following manner.)

Nice time in Bowling Green Saturday at the University of Louisville-Western game. Not much of a contest, but as an exhibition it was wonderful . . . Admirers of the Western team, and they are numbered in large, coarse figures, say the club never has been hotter . . .Expect they will play in the Armory again this year before the tournament . . Rumor at Bowling Green was that Irving Wayne, Armory manager, has signed them to meet any team he selects for them . . . The glass banking boards are gone at the Western gym . . . One of them "exploded" during practice, flying glass covered the floor and cut a couple of ball players slightly . . . Lucky it didn't happen during a game. . . . They don't allow smoking in the Western gym and they get away with it, too . . . Coach Diddle, great story-teller, regaled a party at WLBJ's beautiful radio station after the game with tales of Bo McMillin days at Centre . . . Eddie Diddle, coach's son at College High there, is a great prospect, they say, made 20 points Saturday night . . Coach says he isn't going to Western, but Kelly Thompson says he is . . . Kelly would like to write about the father-and-son combination . . . Paul Garrett, president of the school, had a smile as wide as the basket while his boys were pouring in shots Saturday . . . Big game at Western used to be with Murray, but now the Louisville game is replacing it . . . During the Brigham Young game a Utah player was taken out of the game and as he came to his bench a great laugh went up from the seats behind him. Seems the coach met him at the edge of the floor and asked why he had so little success in guarding Odie Spears, who has a very peculiar shot. He sort of falls away from the basket and kicks his feet high to the rear.

"How can you do anything with a goon like that?" the player complained in a loud voice. "He shoots over your heard and then kicks your teeth out at the same time."


Western Kentucky University, Athletics, Helm-Cravens Library (WKU), Health & Physical Education Building (WKU), Basketball


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