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College Heights Herald article reporting on Board of Regents authorization to build a new gym.
Members of the Board of Regents of Western Kentucky State Teachers' College authorized that plans be drawn and submitted for their approval of a modern gymnasium to cost about $100,000 for College Heights, at a special meeting of the body last night. The contract will be let for the new structure sometime this summer, it is believed.
It is planned to build one of the most modern gymnasiums in the south on College Heights, having a gymnasium floor and galleries with a seating capacity of between 3,000 and 3,500 persons. The gymnasium will also include a swimming pool, hot and cold water showers, locker rooms and quarters for the different athletic divisions of Western Teachers' College.
The board approved the contracts for a new girls' dormitory [Schneider Hall] and Manual Arts buildings at the meeting last night. The Raymond Contracting Company of Bowling Green, which built the Library Building [Gordon Wilson Hall] and Potter Hall Dormitory on College Heights, were awarded the contract for the new girls' dormitory at an estimated cost of $159,968. This building will be three stories high and will accommodate about 175 girls. The Raymond contracting Company was also awarded the contract for the Manual Arts Building which will replace the one destroyed by fire last January. This structure will be three stories high and will cost $57,157. Both buildings are to be built of Bowling Green stone. There were nine other bidders on the two buildings.
Contract for the heating of the dormitory was not awarded. The George Vogt Company, of Jeffersonville, Ind., was awarded a contract to install heating in the Manual Arts building at a cost of $4,575.
Contracts call for completion of the two new buildings during the month of December. The board will meet again during the latter part of the month.
Western Kentucky University, Athletics (WKU), Basketball, Helm Library