Political Campaigning in Kentucky

Creation Date
45 rpm recording of ”A. B. [Happy Chandler] sings ’ Come back to your Kentucky’” and ”Roses in December” composed by H. I. Miranda (Heber Music Publishing Co. B.M.I. 1275-45-666A and 1275-45-666B) Record No. 666. Miranda Records was located in Lexington, Kentucky.
Donor stated that the record belonged to his mother ”Frances Capps who resided in Olive Hill, Ky., from March 1951 to June of 1963 was Happy Chandler’s county chairwoman when he ran for Governor in the fifties. I believe this is why she had the record and was also commissioned a Kentucky Colonel for her work in Carter County in helping Happy get elected."
Rather-Westerman Political Collection, Library Special Collections, WKU
Chandler, Politics, Kentucky, Campaign paraphernalia, Democratic Party, Political campaigns, Political elections, Political paraphernalia, Campaign songs, Political ballads and songs