The study explored the characteristics and experiences of branch campus social work education programs and educators in the U.S. Eighty-one (n = 81) branch campus social work educators in 26 states completed an online survey. Findings revealed that undergraduate and graduate branch campus social work education was primarily delivered face-to-face to non-traditional students. Half of these programs were recently established, and the majority were expected to grow. However, teaching these students was not necessarily viewed as a shared responsibility. Though some branch campus faculty reported higher workloads and limited connections to parent campus colleagues, faculty generally reported great satisfaction teaching branch campus students. Practical implications are provided
Community College Education Administration | Educational Methods | Social Work
Recommended Repository Citation
Funge, Simon; Sullivan, Dana; Owens, Larry; and Harper, Whitney. (2019). Branch Campuses: Extending the Reach of Social Work Education. Journal of Social Work Education.
Original Publication URL: https://works.bepress.com/simon_funge/3/download/
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