Submissions from 1945
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - P Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - Q-R Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - S Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - T Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - U-V Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - W Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/6/4 WKU Veterans - Y-Z Surnames, Elizabeth Coombs
UA94/5/6 Highlights of My Army Career, Lucian Flora
UA94/5/6 Lucian Flora Scrapbook - Part 2, Lucian Flora
UA94/5/6 Mission Accomplished: Africa, Sicily, Italy, U.S. Army
UA94/5/6 Yank, Vol. 2, No. 11, U.S. Army
Submissions from 1943
UA94/5/1 Pi Tau Nu Autograph Card, Leone Brewer
UA94/5/1 Pledge Diary, Leone Brewer
UA94/5/1 Fifteeners Dance Card, Fifteeners
UA94/5/1 Kappa Beta Pi Backward Dance, Kappa Beta Pi
UA94/6/1 Scrapbook, Charles Patterson
UA94/5/6 Soldier's Guide to Italy, U.S. Army
UA94/6/1 Steeley Veach Scrapbook 1, Steeley Veach
Submissions from 1942
UA94/5/1 Barons Formal of Forty-Two, Barons Fraternity
UA94/6/1 Scrapbook, Georgiana Seward
UA1F ROTC 1942 Notes, Henry Smith
UA94/5/6 North Africa, U.S. Army
UA94/5/6 Pocket Guide to Tunisia, U.S. Army
Submissions from 1941
UA94/5/1 Barons Formal Initiation, Barons Fraternity
UA94/5/1 Barons Formal of Forty-One, Barons Fraternity
UA94/7/2 Mildred Fox Scrapbook, Mildred Fox
UA94/6/1 Georgia McElwain Scrapbook, Georgia Kemper McElwain
UA94/5/6 Information Bulletin, U.S. Army
Submissions from 1940
UA94/5/1 The Barons Formal, 1940, Barons Fraternity
UA94/6/1 Correspondence, J. R. Newman
Submissions from 1938
UA94/6/1 Edna Bagian Scrapbook, Edna Bagian
UA94/5/1 First Baron Conclave, Barons Fraternity
Submissions from 1937
UA94/5/1 Barons Fourth Annual Dinner Dance, Barons Fraternity
UA94/6/2/2 Edith Stansbury Reminisces, Edith Mae Stansbury
Submissions from 1936
UA94/5/1 Barons Organization Chart, Bill Bass
UA94/6/1 Thomas Cherry Tichenor Correspondence, Thomas Cherry Tichenor
Submissions from 1935
UA94/7/2 Nellie Gilmore Scrapbook, Nellie Gilmore
UA94/6/1 The Economic & Social Status of Boyce Rural Community, Thelma Glasscock
UA94/6/1 Bethel Oakley Autograph Book 2, Bethel Beulah Oakley
UA94/6/1 Scrapbook, Dorothy Topmiller
Submissions from 1934
UA94/6/2/2 Edgar Stansbury Scrapbook 2, Edgar Stansbury
UA94/6/1 Scrapbook, Dorothy Topmiller
Submissions from 1930
UA1C11/51 Edgar Albrecht Photo Album, Edgar Albrecht
UA1C11/43 Irene Gullette Photograph Album, Irene Gullette
UA94/6/1 Bethel Oakley Autograph Book 1, Bethel Beulah Oakley
UA94/6/2/2 Edgar Stansbury Scrapbook 1, Edgar Stansbury
Submissions from 1929
UA94/6/1 Anna Murl Fisher Scrapbook 1, Anna Murl Fisher
UA94/6/1 Anna Murl Fisher Scrapbook 2, Anna Murl Fisher
Submissions from 1927
UA94/6/2/3 Goldia McKeel Dunn Curd School Memories Book, Goldia McKeel Dunn Curd
Submissions from 1926
UA94/5/1 Memory Book, Kathryn Kerr
UA94/6/1 Mildred McGaw Autograph Book, Mildred Willett McGaw
UA94/6/1 Mildred McGaw Scrapbook, Mildred Willett McGaw
Submissions from 1925
UA94/6/1 Class of 1925 Graduation Invitation, Class of 1925 (WKU)
UA94/6/2/3 Goldie McKeel Dunn Curd Photograph Album, Goldie McKeel Dunn Curd
UA94/6/2/14 Your Color and Why, Nashua Manufacturing Company
Submissions from 1920
UA94/6/1 To Doctor Cherry, Carman
UA1C11/53 Class of 1920 Calendar Photos, Marjorie Clagett
UA94/6/1 To a Birch Tree, Anna Gill
UA94/6/1 To Western Normal, Margaret Landren
UA94/6/1 The Teacher's Side of the Case, Lincoln
UA94/6/1 The Nameless Rhyme, Ruby Luther
UA94/6/1 Cherryton, Susie West McClanahan
UA94/6/1 To the Football Boys, Sallye Shultz
UA94/6/1 English & Grammar Notebook, Ruth Whitlow
UA94/6/1 Biology Notebook, Mildred Willian
Submissions from 1913
UA94/6/2/14 Domestic Science Notebook, Annie Reis
UA94/6/1 Verda Watson Postcards, Verda Watson and Alfred Crabb
Submissions from 1912
UA94/4/1 Donnie Love Autograph Book, Donnie Love
UA94/6/2/14 Science Notebook, Annie Reis