Publication Date
Advisor(s) - Committee Chair
James Worthington, Roy Johnson, W.C. Normand
Degree Program
Department of Agriculture
Degree Type
Master of Science
The effects of row spacing, varieties and branching of soybeans upon yield have been analyzed by various researchers. It is generally conceded that soybeans produce higher yields when planted in narrow as compared to wide rows. “Williams,” “Elf,” “Mitchell,” “Union,” and “Essex” cultivars were planed in 25.4-cm, 50.8-cm, and 76.2-cm rows at a seeding rate of 370,650 seeds per hectare in a split-plot design with four replications. Results indicated that soybean yield was significantly affected by varieties. “Mitchell” and “Essex” soybeans produced the highest yields in May 1981 and 1982, whereas “Mitchell” yielded the most in June 1982. The decrease in yield for the “Essex” cultivars observed for the June planting was probably due to a killing frost which occurred in late October while the plants were still green. Row spacing, as well as it s interaction with varieties, had no significant effect upon the number of branches, pods on branches, and pods per plant. The exception was the June planting when the interaction of row spacing and varieties significantly affected the number of pods per plant. Overall yields tended to increase as row spacing decreased, though they were not significantly different among the three row spacings. Results of May plantings in 1981 and 1982 indicated that the number of branches per plant increased with row spacing, whereas in June the highest number was produced by soybeans planted in 50.8-cm rows, followed by 76.2-cm and 25.4-cm rows. These results, however, showed no statistical differences.
Agricultural Science | Agriculture | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Life Sciences | Plant Sciences
Recommended Citation
Lopes, José, "Effects of Row Spacing, Varieties, & Branching on Yields of Five Soybean Cultivars" (1982). Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 3303.
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