Theses and Specialist projects from 2003
Young Childrens' Understanding of Superstitions, Kara Yeckering
Consultation Trends in School Psychology Literature, Janelle Zaciewski
Distributive Justice: Perceptions of Star Player Treatment in Work Team Settings, Nadim Zaidy
Predicting Student Success in the Introduction to Animal Science Course at Western Kentucky University, Margaret Zoglmann
Theses and Specialist projects from 2002
Prevention of Radiation-Induced Skin Reactions in Breast Cancer External Irradiation, Cathy Ammerman
Transport of the Herbicide Atrazine on Suspended Sediments During a Spring Storm Event in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, Michael Anderson
A Description of Female, Adult Recreational Drug Users: A Sub-Analysis of the Drugnet Survey, Leslie Bickett
Alienation and Exploitation Among Restaurant Servers: A Qualitative Analysis, Zachary Brewster
The Evolution of a Commercial Landscape: A Case Study of the Motels Along U.S. Highway 31-W, Jill Brown
Lucky Pennies and Four Leaf Clovers: Young Children's Understanding of Superstitions, Christy Bryce
Distributive Justice and Punishment in Team Sports, David Bucur
Mentha (Lamiaceae) Phylogenetic Analysis Using Chloroplast TRNL-TRNF and Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS Sequences, Jiranan Bunsawatt
The Role of Implicit Racial Attitudes and Universal Orientation in Cross-Racial Face Recognition, Gordon Campbell
Life in Water, Peter Carey
Social Intelligence: Social Skills Competence and Emotional Intelligence in Gifted Adolescents, Lisa Corso
Faking Integrity Tests: More than a Mindset?, Christopher Corthern
Emotional Intelligence, Social Competence, and Success in High School Students, Amanda Crick
An Investigation into Traits Common to Structured Ministers and Traits Common to Musical Ministers, Matthew Cullum
Attitudes and Knowledge of Nurses Regarding Herbal Medications, Janie Davis
Methods to Evaluate and Predict Student Success in Introduction to Animal Science at Western Kentucky University, Matthew Deppe
Effects of Restricted Spectral Rearing on the Development of Zebrafish Retinal Physiology, Lee Dixon
Lady Macbeth and Gertrude: A Study in Gender, Lisa Ferguson
The Influence of Religiosity and Fundamentalism on White Protestants' Attitudes Toward Women's Issues, Ashley Foster
Children's Understanding of Racial Classifications as a Function of Their Knowledge of Inheritance, Jason Glerum
Economic Impact of Rock Climbing on the Communities Surrounding the Red River Gorge, Kentucky, William Hobbs
Using Appropriateness Measurement to Detect Realistic Faking of Personality Tests, Brian Holt
Passage from Nong Gua, Praichon Intanujit
An Evaluation of the Recreation Interest of Hopkins County Middle School Students, Tricia Jordan
Agents of Socialization: Effects on the Attitudes and Beliefs of African Americans on Interracial Marriages, Jashard Justice
Nuclear Transformation of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii to Allow for Studies on Circadian Expression of the β-Tubulin Gene, Mohammed Khan
Actiononaias Ligamentina as a Biomonitor in the Green River: An Unique Approach for Analysis of Environmental Impacts, Robert Kirkland
The Uniform Convergence of Special Standardized Distributions, Marcia Lami
Analysis of Zebrafish Optic Tectum Visual Processing Before and After Optic Nerve Crush, Angela McDowell
Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Working-Class Employees, Donna Mefford
Course Content of Sociology of Aging and Social Gerontology Syllabi: Interdisciplinary Relations, Paula Newby
Training Practices in School Consultation: Twenty Years Later, Terri Owens
Perceptions of Fairness of Discipline Events in the Work Place, Debra Phillips
Lawyers’ Thoughts & Feelings on the Public’s Perception of the Legal Profession, Erin Poland
African-American Women and Welfare: A Qualitative Study of African-American Women Receiving Public Assistance, Michelle Randolph
Shape & Height Controls of Containerized Herbaceous Perennials, Ramona Rhodes
At the Crossroads Commercial Music and Community Experience The Quonset Auditorium - A Roadhouse on the Dixie Highway, Amber Ridington
Modeling Organizational Culture in a Financial Institution, Lauren Rogers
The Incorporation of Emergent Literacy into Head Start Classrooms, Emily Seeger
The Effect of Cognitive Load on Illusory Correlation, Jason Simpson