Theses and Specialist projects from 2002
The Effectiveness of Listening Previewing on Oral Reading Performance, Latisha Smith
Attitudes and Beliefs of Successful Adult Illicit Drug Users: A Qualitative Analysis of Drugnet Survey Respondents, Kathryn Steward
Evaluation of the Persistence of Grazing Alfalfa Varieties, Maria Stiles
Reading Mastery Versus Word Study Instruction as it Pertains to Third Graders' Reading Achievement Scores, Mia Sullivan
Directed Ortho-Metalation of Dimethylarylamines, Michael Timmons
Behaviorally Disruptive Children's Reasoning About the Emotional Consequences of Victimization, Kim Van Zee
Estimating Population Numbers of Black Bears (Ursus Americanus) in Eastern Kentucky Using Microsatellite Analysis, Kelly Vowels
The Role of Situational and Dispositional Factors on Sub-Optimal Performance, Shannon Walker
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Motivation, Test Preparation and Test Performance, Cassidy Walton
Effects of Two Backpack Weight Distributions on Perceptual and Physiological Measures During Walking, Katelyn Wells-Fahling
The Characterization of Fully Formulated Pharmaceuticals by Advanced Thermal Methods, Laura Wells
Shadow of Death: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of the Floyd Collins Tragedy, Leslie Witty
The Fourier Transform and Some Applications, Christopher Zion
Theses and Specialist projects from 2001
Beirut’s Displacements: Reconstituting Place & Community In a Time of War, Dina Abousamra
Pretreatment Characteristics of Legally Coerced Drug Treatment Seekers, Bridgett Augustino
Paranormal Beliefs and Personality Traits, Heather Auton
Evaluation of Directly Observed Therapy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Nepal: Treatment Outcome and Patient Compliance, Baishali Bhattacharya
VO2Max Comparison Between Seated and Standing Ergometry, Andrew Bosak
Improvoing Head Start Children's Emergent Literacy and Phonemic Awareness Through Parent Training, Kelli Bradbury
A Model of Precipitation Rates in Kentucky, 1965-1996, Kevin Cary
The Relationship Between Drug Usage, Mental Well-Being and Felony Convictions Among a Sample of Adult Recreational Drug Users: Case-Control Analyses, Venkata Chilakapti
Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents: How it Relates to Giftedness, Sean Corso
Test-Retest Reliability of Phonemic Awareness Assessment Instruments of Kindergarten Students, Lorie Craycroft
Examining Children's IEP Knowledge and Preferences in the Special Education Process, Sharon Eagles
Field and Laboratory Studies on the Development and Control of Soil Water Repellency of Sand Root Zone Mixes, Whitney Elmore
Orientation Programs and Realistic Job Previews: Tactics to Reduce Dysfunctional Turnover, Andrea Glaze
Application of Morphometric Relationships to Active Flow Networks Within the Mammoth Cave Watershed, John Glennon
Mood, Social Goals and Children's Outcome Expectancies, Bridgette Harper
Phonemic Awareness in Preschool Children in Relation to Reading Practices in the Home, Anna Hayes
The Relationship Between Social and Emotional Intelligence in Children, Shannon Herring
Park and Ride Feasibility Analysis for the Evansville, Indiana, Metropolitan Area, Brian Howard
Secondary Level Screening of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii Mutants Defective in Circadian Gene Expression, Mingya Huang
Elgenvalues of Fibonacci-like Sequences, Elyssa Hurst
Literature Size Related to Diagnostic Inaccuracy of Personality Disorders, Vincent Intoccia
The Effect of Age-Related Stereotypes on Memory Self-Efficacy and Memory Task-Performance of Older Adults, Brenda Karns
Intercultural Interaction of Russian-American Space Crews, Suzan Kiesel
Power Series Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations, John Lagrange
Body Length, Activity Level, and Avoidance Learning in Zebrafish Exposed to Nicotine as Embryos, Tim Lawrence
The Progression of Recycling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Susan Marklin
A Comparative Study of Composted Organic Wastes and IBDU Fertilizer in Nitrogen Utilization by Bentgrass Cultivars, David Mathews
Expression of Gus Gene in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and Corn (Zea mays) Using Dimboa-Resistant Agrobacterium Strains, Deepti Mohamalawari
The Effects of Attitudes Towards Homosexuality on the Ability to Reason Logically About Homosexuality, Jeanette Myers
Temporal, Perspectives, Dispositional Styles, and Subjective Well-Being, Mary Naeger
Efficacy of Soybean Herbicides on Annual Morninglory, Dawn Oveson
Spectral Sensitivity of the Goldfish ERG and Optic Tectum Before and After Optic Nerve Damage, Jenel Pile
Inheritance of Dorsal Fin Coloration in the Metriaclima Species Complex (Teleostei: Cichlidae) of Lake Malawi, Paulette Reneau
Molecular Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates in Commercial Citrus Grown in Belize, Harry Sabal