Theses and Specialist projects from 1973
A Status Study of the Counseling Services Programs in the University of Kentucky Community College System, Jan L. Ireland
Yield and Chemical Composition of Barley Silage, John Henry James
Jean-Paul Sartre’s Theory of Literature, Timothy Jobe
Determination of (n, 2n) Reaction Isomeric Cross Section for 87Rb, 112Cd, 138Bz, and 186W Using 14 MeV Neutrons, Hsiao-Chueh Kao
Electron-Beam Retardation Contact Potential of Cuprous Oxide, James Lindle
The Catabolism of Thiamine by Phycomyces Blakesleeanus, Cheryl Lowe
Intercultural Influences in Early Peruvian Ceramic Design and Decoration, Clinton Pace
Work and the Family: Themes in the Plays of Arthur Miller, Sue Parsons
Electron Transfer Rate Between Cobalt(II)-Cobalt(III) Polypyridyl Complexes in Nonaqueous Solvents, William Prow
Metodes Meahta in Six Old English Poems, Mary Relihan
Job Satisfaction of Police Officers in Second Class Cities in Kentucky, Joan Robertson
An Investigation of the Influence of Stress on the Protestant Ethic Effect, April Schnur
Logging in the Upper Cumberland River Valley: A Folk Industry, Steven Schulman
The Effects of Developmental Groups on Personality Factors, Larry Sensing
The Low-Status Character in Shakespeare's Comedies, Linda St. Clair
The Protestant Ethic Effect: A Multiple Dependent Variable Analysis, Ronald Stephens
A Study of the Effect of Private Test Interpretations on the Self-Understanding of Students' Abilities as Measured by the General Aptitude Test Battery, Thomas Sullivan
The Little People of Pea Ridge, David Sutherland
Drowned at Turnhole: A Study of Western Kentucky Epitaphs, Robert Taylor
Theses and Specialist projects from 1972
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Its Art and Thought, Marthalee Atkinson
Asiatic Cholera in Kentucky 1832 to 1873, Nancy Baird
Thomas Hardy's Male Characters: Vehicles for His Thought, Peggy Belasco
Glover Cary: A Political Biography, Doris Brenner
Criminal Homicide in Warren County Kentucky: 1970-1971, Timothy Carter
Internal-External Control of Reinforcement Versus Field Dependence-Field Independence, Robert Colclough
The Sensuous Order, Faith and Love in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, Sheila Conway
The Risky Shift Among Friends and in Arbitrarily Formed Groups, Bryan Crow
Black Conversions to Catholicism: An Analysis of Louisville Data, Lynda Dickson
The Role of Extraversion & Intraversion on the Performance of an Abstract Reasoning Task, Clarkie Farley
A Comparison of Selected Habitats of Fallow Deer (Dama Dama) in the United States, William Fowler
An Analysis of Land Values in Bowling Green, Kentucky, James Frymark
The Algal Flora (Excluding Class Bacillariophyceae) of Foster's Pond, Allen County, Kentucky, Linda Garrett
An Assessment of Yinger's Nondoctrinal Religion Using the Intrinsic-Extrinsic Concept, Warren Hamby
The Effects of Weight of Projectile & Arm Segment Lengths on the Accuracy of the Overarm Throw, Michael Hickey
Libertinism: An Alternative to Traditional Religion, Jerome E. Johnson
The Theatrical Innovations of Charles Laughton, Gary Joseph Jones
White Attitudes Toward Racial Tolerance & the Perception of Party Differences: 1956-1969, Paul Messick
A Sociological Analysis of the Cartage Truck Driver's Occupation, Robert Miller
A Study of the Public Image of Criminals in Three Occupational Groups, Janice Nance
The Bearing of the Sociology of Knowledge on Sociological Theory, Jerome Price
Partial Purification and Properties of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate-Specific Isocitrate Dehydorgenase of Phycomyces Blakesleeanus, Adrienne Shanler
Geographical Analysis of the State-Administered Roads in Kentucky, 1920 to 1970, Sudesh Singla
Hydrocyanic Acid Potential of Black Cherry Leaves, Dan Smeathers