Theses and Specialist projects from 1970
Some Effects of L-Thyroxine on Lipid Deposition During Alcohol Administration, John Marcum
The Function of Prior Conditions of Success or Failure Upon Subsequent, Non-Related Tasks, William Martin
Effects of Ensiling on the HCN Potential of Sorghum Plants, Glenn McCarty
The Dominative Woman & Blasco Ibáňez, Joseph Mills
A Critical Study of the Dramas of Four Major Romantic Poets, Earl Murphy Jr.
A Graphemic Analysis of an Old English Text: The Parker Manuscript, the Laws of Alfred & Ine, Mary Reiss
The Existential Elements in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens, Patsy Satterly
Reactions of Pollen-Pistil Combinations In Vitro & Their Relationships to Compatibility in Alfalfa, Emerson Shipe
Influence of Urea on the Fermentation Pattern & Nutritive Value of Corn Silage, John Shirley
Ideology & Sociology: The Predisposition to Believe, W. Miles Stryker
William Faulkner as Sociologist: An Adventure in the Sociology of Literature, Katherine Stuart
Mother of Mankind: Milton's Treatment of Eve in Paradise Lost, Mary Swanks
Attitudes & Orientation of Criminals Toward Crime & Law Enforcement, Ralph Tish
Population Variation in Fruit Material of Acer Negundo L., Robert Williams Jr.
Study of Attitudes of College Students Toward Physical Education at Western Kentucky University, Amelia Zafra
Theses and Specialist projects from 1969
The Indonesian Army 1950-1958, James Bigelow
A History of Baptists in Clinton County, Timothy Cantrell
A Certain Semite: The Path of Written Language from Him to Us, Sybil Clark
Jeremy Bentham: Syncretistic Utilitarian, William Day
Themes of Decay in the Novels of John Updike, Renae Eaden
The Effects of Limited Training in Hypnosis Upon Reaction Time, Veronica Eskridge
Richard Lovelace a Study in Poetic Design, James Flynn
Electrical Conductivity & Seebeck Effect in Activated Molybdenum Oxide Hydrogen Detectors, John Hooker
Trace Metal Analysis of Barren River and Nolin River Reservoirs by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Mary Jo Kennedy
The Effect of Two Growth Retardant Chemicals, Cycocel and B-Nine, on Certain Nitrogeneous Components in Barley Seedlings, Linda Kinser
A Comparative Study of Existential Attitudes in John Dos Passos’ Three Soldiers and Norman Mailer’s The Naked and The Dead, Vernon Knuckles Jr.
Courtly Love Elements in the Child Ballads: A Study in Origins, Fannie Lewis
Medical Matters in Shakespeare's Plays, Linda Longstreth
A Statistical Study of Sex Ratio Data from a Sample of Students at Western Kentucky University, Robert Loyd
A Nonsecond Time-of-Flight Spectometer, David Moorman
The Poetry of Thomas Merton, Nancy Nelson
The Attempted Synthesis of Ethylenimine, Rabindranath Patnaik
To Hell for a Heavenly Cause: The Re-emergence of the Harrowing of Hell Motif in Twentieth Century Literature, Margaret Shepherd
The Haven of Harmonie, 1814-1824, Irene Strouse
Effects of Photoperiod on the Occurrence of Symbiotic Rotifers, Nematodes and Branchiobdellids of Two Orconectid Species of Crayfishes, Edward Van Metre
Folk Elements in the Fiction of James Still, Edith Walker
Joseph Conrad's Feminine Mystique, Mary Yates
Theses and Specialist projects from 1968
Regeneration of the Tentacles and Eyes of the Marine Snail Ilyanassa Obsoleta Stimpson, W. Ernest Collins Jr.
Samuel Daniel: HIs Importance as a Literary Figure, Ronald Gaffney
Edgar Allan Poe's Criticism of the Novel, James Gage
Goticism in Matthew G. Lewis's The Monk & Related Works, Larry Harrel
American Intercollegiate Debate: A General Survey with Emphasis on Past & Present Controversies, 1892-1968, Carolyn Harrison
The Desirability and Feasibility of Intercollegiate Sports for College Women, Leigh F. Kieffer
Crossed Field Trochoidal Trajectory Devices for Investigating the Reflection of Slow Electrons from Metallic Surfaces, Stan Lemaster
The Fall Motif in the Novels of William Golding, Timothy Miller Jr.
Solid State Electrolysis of Yttria Stablized Zirconia, John Newman
An Analysis of the Lincoln-Osbretsky Motor Development Scale with an Emphasis on the Reduction of Total Test Items, Roger Pearman