

The podcast was recorded and produced by Haiwang Yuan, Special Assistant to Dean of WKU Libraries for Web & Emerging Technologies.


WKU Libraries featured Kirby Gann for the 2012/13 season of Kentucky Live!. Gann talked about his new book Ghosting to a to a diverse university and community audience. The talk concluded with a book signing by the author.

His newest novel “Ghosting” published in 2012 by Ig Press is set in Lake Holloway, a crime-ridden, poverty-blighted area in “Pirtle County” Kentucky, the kind of place where people often disappeared from. To quote the reviewer for the New York Times“Ghosting offers a high-low cocktail of lovely prose and cruel deeds.” The reviewer forKirkus writes “this is a tale of love and loyalty, family and duty, naïveté and duplicity, played out on an amoral landscape of drugs and violence.” It adds this is “hillbilly noir as literary fiction of the first order.”


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