Presenter Information

WKU University Senate


Bowling Green, KY

Start Date

4-5-1984 12:00 AM

End Date

4-5-1984 12:00 AM


Memo from Tom Coohill, Mary Ellen Miller & Richard Weigel to WKU President Donald Zacharias regarding Promotion Document. Attachments to the memo include:

  • Memo from Barry Brunson to Tom Coohill re: Criteria for Promotion Recommendations, 4/24/1984
  • Memo to Whom It May Concern from James Flynn re: Deans' Promotion Document, 5/2/1984
  • Glasser, Joe. Response to the Deans' Promotion Document, 4/26/1984
  • Memo from John Russell to Thomas Coohill re: Criteria for Promotion Recommendations, 5/2/1984
  • Criteria for Promotion Recommendations


May 4th, 12:00 AM May 4th, 12:00 AM

Memo: Promotion Document

Bowling Green, KY

Memo from Tom Coohill, Mary Ellen Miller & Richard Weigel to WKU President Donald Zacharias regarding Promotion Document. Attachments to the memo include:

  • Memo from Barry Brunson to Tom Coohill re: Criteria for Promotion Recommendations, 4/24/1984
  • Memo to Whom It May Concern from James Flynn re: Deans' Promotion Document, 5/2/1984
  • Glasser, Joe. Response to the Deans' Promotion Document, 4/26/1984
  • Memo from John Russell to Thomas Coohill re: Criteria for Promotion Recommendations, 5/2/1984
  • Criteria for Promotion Recommendations