Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools
George Kuh, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) director, remarked that, “Many of the reservations about the value of student learning outcomes assessment are because the findings do not speak to issues that faculty and staff find relevant for their work with students or yield information that they or others can use to be more effective.”1 According to NILOA, a multi-systems approach to assessment can “enhance rather than distract” from the quality of teaching and learning.
To that end, one of the strategies of WKU’s QEP, Evidence & Argument, is to employ a multi-faceted assessment plan that documents the impact of programmatic initiatives on student learning. This approach combines a robust annual assessment based on course-derived student artifacts and AAC&U LEAP rubrics with the periodic use of nationally-normed instruments. This database contains assessment tools collaboratively crafted and implemented faculty teaching Foundations and Connection courses to evaluate artifacts.
Please note that each assignment includes a complete citation. If you use any or all of the author's materials, please cite them in your version of the work.
1 Matters, W. D. L. (2016). Higher Education Quality: Why Documenting Learning Matters.