Quality Enhancement Plan

Quality Enhancement Plan


Director, QEP Implementation: Dr. Molly Kerby

Introduction to the Database
Shared teaching resources provide a common framework and vocabulary for addressing Western Kentucky University's (WKU) Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) student learning outcomes; by developing and embedding similarly-structured teaching modules into classes, students will be able to compare and contrast the specific attributes of argumentation among disciplines and ways of knowing. Shared resources contribute to alignment of the teaching of argumentation skills from the first year through graduation.

Working with faculty across the university (including library faculty), the QEP Leadership Team has created this TopScholar database to assist faculty in addressing student learning outcomes at the introductory, developing, and mastery level. Teaching students the skills of evidence-gathering, sense-making, and argumentation is not new; faculty already address these concepts within their courses, and many likely have valuable teaching expertise and resources to share with others. In addition, faculty within WKU Libraries represent a valuable yet somewhat underutilized resource for the teaching of information gathering and information mastery.

About the QEP
WKU's QEP, Evidence and Argument (E&A), aims to better leverage these existing strengths, by working with faculty across the university to assemble, organize, and regularly update existing resources in an online resource guide that will be available to faculty and students as an aid to teaching and learning argumentation principles and skills. Specific initiatives are anticipated to include:

  • Surveying existing teaching and learning resources utilized by faculty across the university;
  • Working with faculty in WKU Libraries to promote the availability and expertise of library faculty to contribute to the teaching of information gathering and information mastery;
  • Assisting WKU Libraries in enhancing existing subject research guides to focus on disciplinary practices for the integration of research sources appropriate for individual fields; and
  • Collaborating with instructional technology specialist to develop an effective web-based presentation of available resources, expertise, and contacts.


Browse the Quality Enhancement Plan Collections:

Assessment Tools


Curriculum Development