Submissions from 1965
UA12/2/69 Delta Kappa Nu Respectfully Petitions Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Kappa Nu
UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs Austin Peay State University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs Drake University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs East Tennessee State University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs Murray State University, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA19/17/1/4 WKU Football Press Guide, WKU Athletic Media Relations
UA1B1/1 Rodes-Helm Lecture Series Scrapbook, Western Kentucky University
UA1B5 Orientation Program for New Faculty, Western Kentucky University
UA1C4/2/50 WKU Faculty/Staff Photograph, WKU University Archives
UA1F WKU Archives Vertical File - Football, 1960-1965, WKU Archives
UA30/1/1 Garrett Conference Center, WKU Planning, Design & Construction
UA30/1/1 Western Kentucky State College Map, WKU Planning, Design & Construction
UA3/3/1 Address by Julia Neal, Founders Day 1965, Julia Neal
UA3/3/1 Annual Report of Director of Library Services, 1964-1965, Margie Helm and Kelly Thompson
UA3/3/1 Margie Helm Letter to Kelly Thompson, Margie Helm
UA3/3/1 Margie Helm Library Open House, WKU President's Office - Thompson
UA3/3/1 Memo Re: Organizational Committee - Western Student Organization, Charles Keown
UA3/3/1 Memo Re: Proposed Western Student Organization, Charles Keown
UA3/3/1 Paul Garrett Student Center Open House, WKU President's Office - Thompson
UA3/3/1 President's Correspondence re: Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA3/3/1 Proposed By-Pass - Exhibit 1, WKU President's Office
UA3/3/1 Proposed By-Pass - Exhibit 2, WKU President's Office
UA3/3/1 Sketch Land Use Plan - Scheme 1, WKU President's Office and Scruggs & Hammond
UA3/3/1 Sketch Land Use Plan - Scheme 2, WKU President's Office and Scruggs & Hammond
UA3/3/1 Urban Renewal, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 Baccalaureate Address, Hugh Morris
UA3/3 Faithful to Our Trust, Kelly Thompson
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 For Your Information, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 Health Clinic Report 1965, WKU President's Office
UA3/3 President's Report 1955-1965, WKU President's Office
UA3/4/1 President's Subject File - Trade School, WKU President's Office
UA35/11 Perspectives on Contemporary Man, WKU Honors Program
UA35/11 Recognition of Academic Achievement, WKU Honors Program
UA37/44 Across My Street, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Alpha Gamma Rho, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Assimilation, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Bowling Green Business University, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Making Money for Schooling, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Student Government, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Succession, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 The Ten Commandments & College, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 Tidbits of Kentucky Folklore, Gordon Wilson
UA37/44 What Was It Like?, Gordon Wilson
UA45/6 Baccalaureate Program, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Calendar, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA45/6 Commencement Program, WKU Registrar
UA51/1/3 Material on the Margie Helm Library, Sara Tyler
UA51/1/3 Moving Library Books, Materials & Furniture, Sara Tyler
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 19, No. 4, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 19, No. 5, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 19, No. 6, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 19, No. 8, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 20, No. 1, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 20, No. 2, WKU University Libraries
UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 20, No. 3, WKU University Libraries
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - Anderson to Atkinson, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - D-E, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - J-K Surnames, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - Mabe to McDaniel, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - McCormack to Meredith, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - McDavitt to McHatton, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - Montgomery to Moore, WKU College of Education
UA64/14 Student Teacher Placement Cards - T Surnames, WKU College of Education
UA68/17/2 Scrapbook 1964-1965, Western Players
UA68/17/2 Summer Players Scrapbook 1965, Western Players
UA68/6/2 Voices, Vol. X, No. 1, Western Writers
UA77/1 Alumni Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 2, WKU Alumni Association
UA77/1 Alumni Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 5, WKU Alumni Association
UA94/5/1 Thirteeners Pledge Book, Richard Minton
UA94/6/1 A Cheerleaders Code, WKU Cheerleaders
UA94/6/1 Residence Hall Check Out Card, Kay Washer
UA94/6/1 Varsity Cheerleader Ballot, Kay Washer
Documents created from 1964
UA100/2/1 Training School Director's Report to the President, WKU Training School
UA11/1 College Heights Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 3, WKU Public Affairs
UA11/2 Press Release - IBM Program Panels, WKU Public Relations
UA12/2/14 Pledgeship Outline, Clair Nichols
UA12/2/14 The Fraternity Movement at Western, Phi Phi Kappa
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 11, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 12, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 13, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 14, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 15, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 16, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 17, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 18, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 19, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 20, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 21, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 22, WKU Student Affairs
UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 23, WKU Student Affairs