Presentation Type
Keynote Speaker
Start Date
19-3-2021 12:00 PM
With over 8 million high school athletes participating in sport annually, it is imperative that high schools be prepared to prevent and manage catastrophic injuries such as cardiac arrest, exertional heat stroke, traumatic head injuries, amongst others. Athletic trainers are uniquely positioned within the high school setting to manage these types of catastrophic injuries. This keynote presentation will discuss the current adoption of best practices for the prevention and management of catastrophic injuries, along with strategies to overcome common barriers to adopting best practice policies. Dr. Scarneo-Miller’s presentation will travel through her career highlighting key events and individuals who helped to shape her path from the sideline to academia.
I am Meant to be Here: Forging My Path from Sideline to Academia
With over 8 million high school athletes participating in sport annually, it is imperative that high schools be prepared to prevent and manage catastrophic injuries such as cardiac arrest, exertional heat stroke, traumatic head injuries, amongst others. Athletic trainers are uniquely positioned within the high school setting to manage these types of catastrophic injuries. This keynote presentation will discuss the current adoption of best practices for the prevention and management of catastrophic injuries, along with strategies to overcome common barriers to adopting best practice policies. Dr. Scarneo-Miller’s presentation will travel through her career highlighting key events and individuals who helped to shape her path from the sideline to academia.