Keynote Speakers

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Monday, March 15th
12:00 PM

The Push and Pull of Research within Elite Sport – A Personal Perspective

Samuel Callaghan

12:00 PM

Tuesday, March 16th
12:00 PM

Keystone Career Events: Clinical Practice to Academia

Jenny LaCross, Texas Women's University

12:00 PM

Wednesday, March 17th
12:00 PM

Strength and Conditioning Considerations for the Tactical Athlete

J. Jay Dawes, Oklahoma State University

12:00 PM

Thursday, March 18th
12:00 PM

Finding My Role in Sport Dietetics

Brett Singer, Memorial Hermann

12:00 PM

Friday, March 19th
12:00 PM

I am Meant to be Here: Forging My Path from Sideline to Academia

Samantha Scarneo-Miller, West Virginia University

12:00 PM