Theses and Specialist projects from 1998
"Anything Dead Coming Back to Life Hurts": Ghosts and Memory in Hamlet and Beloved, Rebecca Boyd
A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Effect of Freshman Seminars on Student Attrition at Four Year Colleges and Universities, Raymond Brown
Social and Cultural Influences on Nontraditional Students' Decision to Seek Higher Education, Mose Bullington
Capillary Electrophoretic Separation of Sulfoxides, Clair Davies
Adult Childrens' Communication and Closeness With Parents, Diana DeCuir
Regeneration of Hair Cell Epithelia in the Chick and Salamander, Kenneth Detwiler
The Isolation and Partial Purification of DNA Polymerase-Beta from Soybean, Lesa Dill
Modern Sexist Attitudes Toward Female Supervisors, Eric Dulaney
Keeping the "Shiny Side Up" and the "Hammer Down": The Subculture of American Truck Drivers, David Fields
The Effect of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus on Varieties of Wheat Grown in Kentucky, Robert Frogue
The Effect of Calf Morbidity on Feedlot Performance and Profitability, Jessica Gentry
Private Voices Teaching Public Values in the Fiction of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mary Wilkins Freeman, and Sarah Orne Jewett, Angela Gonzalez
The Bicycle as a Transportation Vehicle: An Assessment of Bicycle Suitability in Bowling Green, Kentucky, Ryan Gordon
Approaching Fallingwater: An Ethography of Place, Brian Gregory
Beauty Pageant Mothers: Demographics, Motivations, and Family Structure, Martha Heltsley
Kentucky Politics at Its “Damnedest”: The 1955 Gubernatorial Election, John Hill
Behavior Management Training Issues in Kentucky Classrooms, Karin Holland
The Process of Career Decision-Making in Women: The Decision to Obtain a Nontraditional Occupation, Paula Houston
Gender Differences in College Students' Attributions for Success and Failure, Anna Hutton
New Theories in Random Walks, Lina Jichi
An Ionic Surfactant Cloud-Point Extraction Procedure Compatible with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography UV/Vis Detection, Xiaohong Jin
Study of the baiE Gene in Bile Acid 7α-Dehydroxylating Bacteria, Yasemin Kaya
Educational Specialist Programs in School Psychology: Trends in Training Emphasis, Shawna Kennedy
Measuring the Applicability of the Seville Strategy to the Mammoth Cave Area Biosphere Reserve, Debra Kreitzer
Contribution of Tobacco to Agriculture Receipts in Four Prominent Tobacco Producing States, Brian Lacefield
Iconic Memory and Aging: Effects of Stimulus Duration, Stimulus Contrast, and Inter-Stimulus Interval, Andrew LaJoie
The Effects of Managed Care on the Quality of Dental Hygiene Care, MaryBeth Magner
Examining the Training and Practice of School Psychologists: A Survey of Intern Supervisors, Christopher Matthews
Adolescent Perceptions of Risk-Taking Behaviors, Susan Matthews
A Further Exploration of College Student Attrition: The Predicative Validity of the College Adjustment Scales, Christopher Mattis
A Study of Highly and Moderately Gifted Students in Mixed-Age Settings and the Effect on Social Status and Self-Concept, Deeayne Mayfield
Festivals, Function and Context: An Ethnographic Study of Three Festivals at Holden Village, Andrea Mericle
The Effects of Multicultural Diversity Training on the Development of a Multicultural Perspective in Preservice Teachers, Lorie Mullins
A Study of the Behavior of Chlorine and Sulfur from Coal During Combustion in an AFBC System, Weilan Pan
The Process of Identity Change From Entitled Controller to Batterer, Evelyn Powell
Evaluation of the Success of Adoptive Versus Passive Transfer of Immunity Against Trypanosoma Cruzi, Karen Powell
School Psychologists' Assessment Practices of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Donna Ridenour
Portraits and Landscapes in Family Narrative, Hayden Roberts
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Studies of Sulfur Containing Compounds, Francisco Rodriguez
Zebrafish Retinal Development and the Effects of Abnormal Light Rearing Conditions, Shannon Saszik
New Communication Technologies, Organizational Culture, and the Creation of Innovative Learning Environments, Denise Scott
A Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Population Models, Clarissa Smith
The Effects of Constant and Variable Practice on Performing a Gross Motor Skill, Leslie Snyder
Coping With Jealousy: Effects of Personality, Gender and Intensity of Jealousy, Tisha Thompson
Program Evaluation of Project Team and Project Prep, Preservice Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Training Programs, Sarah Whittaker