Theses and Specialist projects from 1977
A Philosophical Concept of Patient Education in the Small Hospital, Michael Rush
A Descriptive Survey of Values of Selected Groups of Seventh, Tenth and Twelfth Grade Students in Kentucky & Michigan, Rachel Schmitz
Oystering in Kent Narrows, Maryland, A. Clayton Schofield
The Assessment of Competence in Elderly Geriatric Subjects, Bernard Schut
United States Foreign Policy Toward China in Transition: 1966-1976, Chang Sheng-ih
A Folkloric Perspective on Traditional Auctioneering, Daniel Steed Jr.
A Status Study of the Counseling Services Provided Fort Knox Armor School Students, Joseph Stith
A Study of Photoperiodic Time Measurement of Samples from a Michigan Population of Orconectes Immuni (Hagen), E. Lynn Talton
The Effects of Review and No Review on Underlined Material with More or Less Able Subjects, Melvin Van Dyke
The Price of Folk: The Progression of Two Decoy Makers’ Work from Folk to Non-Folk, Benjamin Vincent
Death Anxiety and Religious Orientation, Dennis Wagner
Traditional Elements in the Selected Columns of Allan M. Trout, J. Vaughn Webb
Laboratory Comparisons of Two Species of Liquidambar, Lynn Wellman
Computer Simulation of the Rotational Spectrum of a Symmetric Top Molecule, W. Scott Wells
The Effects of Density, Group Size, Time, Sex & Locus of Control on Crowding Stress, Sherry Wilk
Moral Reasoning Structures & Character Structures: A Review & Extension of Relationships between Moral Judgment Stages & Personality Organization, Gregory Wilmoth
A Comparison of Various Pattern Recognition Techniques, Larry Wood
Theses and Specialist projects from 1976
The Effects of Facial Characteristics & Attitudes Upon Initial Interpersonal Attraction, Henry Ackerman
A Counselor's Integration of Thomism with the Philosophies of B.F. Skinner & Albert Ellis, Leonard Alvey
Relationships Between the Fear of Appearing Incompetent, Self-Estimated IQ, Obtained IQ and GPA, Cheryl Bateman
The Effects of a Drug-Induced Stress on the Contrafreeloading Phenomenon in Rats, Jeanne Bennett
The Wavelength Dependency of Ultraviolet Induction of Simian Virus 40 from a Transformed Line of Baby Hamster Kidney Cells, Timothy Bichenbrenner
The Oral Folk History Surrounding the Life of William Bernard "Big Six" Henderson, Peggy Boaz
The Influence of a Relaxation Training Program upon a Measure of Self-Actualization, Karl Bodtorf
Reduction of Free-Floating Anxiety as a Function of EMG Biofeedback or Deep-Muscle Relaxation Training, Gregory Brown
The Carter Family: Traditional Sources for Song, Margaret Bulger
Samuel Butler’s Way of All Flesh as a Sociological Novel, David Carter
America Sings: An Oratorio for Mixed Choir, Brass, Percussion, Narrator, William Cates Jr.
The Effects of Deprivation Techniques on Body Weight & Propensity to Perform an Operant, Herb Chapman
Sex and Marital Status Differences in Death Anxiety, Michael Cole
The Lower Reaches of Long Creek, Kentucky: A Karst Anomaly in Allen County, Doral Conner
An Approach to Meeting the Educational Needs of a Select Group of Migrant Children, Ruth G. Cornelius
Balance, Symmetry, and Order in As You Like It, Lois Stacy Creed
A Follow-Up Study of Selected Participants in The Youth Development Program (Drop-Out Program) of The Jefferson County Kentucky School System, H. Wayne Cumbee
Exploring Childhood: Discovering Teens, Nancy Erickson
Achievement, Affiliation & Nurturance Needs in College Women: A Comparison by Age & Marital Status, Lochia Farrar
Development of the God Concept in Children: An Exploratory Study, Dennis Feeley
Development of the God Concept in Children: An Exploratory Study, Dennis Feeley
A Study of the Political Activity of Mexican University Students, Angela Rodriguez Fernandez
The Effect of Reinforcers on the Verbal Behavior of Headstart Children, Deloris Floyd
The Relationship of Age & Marital Status to Affiliative Imagery & Fear of Success in Women, Brenda Francis
The Efficiency of Verbal & Nonverbal Intellectual Measures as Predictors of Achievement in Culturally Deprived Preschool Children, Beverly Freeman
Knowledge & Attitudes of Mental Health Professionals on Issues & Laws Regarding Involuntary Hospitalization in Kentucky, Gary Giamartino
Alcohol Addiction & the Rat as a Possible Animal for the Study of Alcoholism, John Graham
Relationships Between Sex Role Ideologies and Social-Psychological Variables in a Restricted Sample of Women, Susan Grimm
Andrew Sarris and the Politique des Auteurs (1962-1974): An Assessment and an Analysis, Steven Grumbacher