Theses and Specialist projects from 1984
Predicting Actual Physical Performance with Mental Image Accuracy, Rodney Young
The Effect of Pre- & Post-Training Administration of Naloxone upon Acquisition Learning & Memory Retention during an Active Avoidance Response, Debra Yovichin
Theses and Specialist projects from 1983
Expressions of Grief in South Central Kentucky, 1870-1910, Sue Lynn Arnold
A Comparison of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Cynthia Burris
The Effect of Orally Administered Butylated Hydroxytoluene on Herpes Simplex Keratitis, Donald Carson
Shadowing Interference in a Dichotic Listening Task with Categorized and Uncategorized Word Lists, David Coleman
An Eclectic Approach to the Identification and Treatment of the Cluster of Disorders Known as Infantile Autism, Margaret Considine
Development of a Structured Interview to Screen for Emotional Instability in Nuclear Power Plant Operation Applicants, Martha Cordon
Process Oriented Composition: A Pedagogy for Both Native & Second Language Learners of English, Diane Eison
Chronology of Appearance & Habitat Partitioning by Stream Larval Fishes, Keith Floyd
Determination of the Relative Response of Mammalian Cells to Simulated Sunlight & 254 NM Radiation, Randall Gill
Using Folklore to Teach English as a Second Language, Deborah Hall
An Investigation into the Problem of Validity Generalization & Situational Specificity for Nuclear Power Plant Operations, Jeffrey Hornsby
Women & Work at the Turn of the Century: The Mrs. A.H. Taylor Dressmaking Company, Theresa Jureka
The Loving of the Game: A Study of Basketry in the Mammoth Cave Area, Denis O. Kiely
The Use of Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment with Underprepared College Students: A Pilot Study, Michael Kieta
A Philosophy of Outdoor Education as It Reveals to The Mission of Seventh-Day Adventist Christian Education, J. Gary Knowles
An Empirical Examination of Union Decertifications in the United States, Stephen Lacy
Effects of Temperature on Testicular Photosensitivity in the White-Throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia Albicollis), Laurel Matthews
An Attitudinal Study of Selected Trainees in a Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) Program, L. Irene Meisel
A Study of the Relationship of Socioeconomic Status & Student Perceptions of School Effectiveness to Academic Achievement of Engineering Students, Geronimo Mendoza Meraz
Analytical Pyrolysis of Eastern Shales, Kenneth Naples
Isabel's Sexual Drama, Barbara Pinson
A Simplified Surface Analysis for the Detection of Outflow Boundaries from Mesoscale Convective Complexes, Gregory Powell
Leader Behavior Factor Structures: A Function of Leader Behavior, Implicit Leadership Theories or Both?, Jeffrey Prewitt
A Descriptive Analysis of Morally Mature Individuals, Deborah Rich
Rasselas & Candide: Common Links, Robert Rowe
Kinetic & Spectral Studies of Copper(II)-4,4',4",4'"-Tetrasulfophthalocyanine in Aqueous Solution, Stephen Scholl
Some Measures of Ulysses, June Sinclair
Some Measures of Ulysses, June Sinclair
The Relationship Between Drinking and Assertiveness in College Students, Ernest Small
The Effects of Age & Education on Personality Consistency, Craig Sparks
An Evaluation of the Guidance & Counseling Program of the Bishop David Memorial High School, Richard Staples
Analytical Pyrolysis of Eastern Oil Shales, Lizbeth Sturgeon
Food Habits and the Utilization of Drift Organisms by Larval Fishes in the Middle Fork of Drake's Creek, Kentucky, Shirley Timbrook
Food Habits & the Utilization of Drift Organisms by Larval Fishes in the Middle Fork of Drake's Creek, Kentucky, Shirley Timbrook
Binding Activity of the Tubulin-3H-Colchicine Complex, Menjor Tino Unlap
Sex Role Orientation and Its Effect on a Woman’s Decision to Parent, Agnes Van Buren
Birth-Order Complementarity and Marital Adjustment, Cornelia Vos
A Study of the Differences in Smoking Behaviors & Attitudes Between Tobacco Growers & Non-Growers, Kenneth Whitley
DMF Extractability as a Predictor of Plasticity in Bituminous Coals, Jana Whitt
Perceived Characteristics of the Ideal Hunter Education Instructor, Stephen Wilburn
Soil Degradation of H-Coal Liquid & Various Aromatic Compounds, Kevin Wilson
Ethnobotany: A Methodology for Folklorists, Kathleen Young
Theses and Specialist projects from 1982
Sentencing Equality: A Study of the Female Offender in Kentucky, William Abney