Theses and Specialist projects from 1981
The Effect of Summer Recess on the Reading Achievement of Title I Students at L.C. Curry School, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Virginia Scheider
An Investigation of the Use of Personal Values in Consumer Life Style Research, Jeffrey Stoltman
Analogues between the Homeric & Preoperational Conceptions of Mind, Robert Taylor
A Survey to Assess the Awareness of the Bowling Green Community in Regard to the International Student Community at Western Kentucky University, Susan Tesseneer
Cincinnati Theater 1918-1919: A Season of Burlesque, Vaudeville & Legitimate Entertainment, Paul Thomas
An Examination of Cognitive Complexity & Its Relationship with Urban-Rural Locality, Charla Tichenor
A Study of the Holding Power and Follow-Up of North Bullitt High School Students (Classes of 1978, 1979 and 1980), Robert Wagoner
A Study of Types of Presentations & Materials Utilized in Selected Title I Math Programs in Kentucky, Judith White
The American Liberalism of Eleanor Roosevelt, Janet Wolfe
Theses and Specialist projects from 1980
A Case Study of the Recreational Needs & Interests of Rural Adults in Russell County, Kentucky, Bennett Bratcher
Communication Apprehension as a predictor of Proxemic Establishment, Self-Esteem, & Dogmatism, Joseph Cardot III
Parental Attitudes Toward Dental Treatment & How They Affect the Dental Fears of Their Children, Mayme Davis
An Analysis of Selected Personnel Managers for Company Attitudes Toward Industrial Recreation in North Carolina, Cynthia Dean
A Comparison of Vitamin A1 & A2 Levels & the Role of Beta-Carotene & Lutein in the Synthesis of Vitamin A in Freshwater Fishes, Benjamin Del Tito Jr.
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Required Homework Review Versus Review on Request Upon Achievement, Dolores Dick
Interpopulational & Species Comparisons of the Genus Liquidambar, Diana Duckworth
The Edifying Influence of Soren Kierkegaard, Alan Dunn
World View & Correlates of Communication Behaviors, Cecile Garmon
Yet Another Look at Depth of Processing, Marilyn Graves
Cellular Response & Histopathological Studies of Murine Pyelonephritis Experimentally Induced by Aspergillus Flavus, Anna Hansen
The Effect of Intelligence Test Feedback Upon Self-Concept as Measured by the EPPS, Gregory Heeter
Clarifying Performance Appraisal Criteria, Charles Hobson
A Floristic Survey of the Vascular Plants of Barren County, Kentucky, George Pryor Johnson
Multigenicity of Extracts from Fusarium Moniliforme-Infected Corn, Euphemia Yee-Fun Leung
Use of Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy for the Determination of Reaction Rate of Cesium with Oxygen, Michael McCann
An Ethnography of a Trance Channeling Session, Sara McNulty
Ultrastructure & Microtubule Patterns of a Detached Cellular Oganelle, Peggy Mervine
Characteristics of Mentor Relationships in Male and Female University Professors, Charlotte B. Miller
Magnetohydrodynamics in an Open Universe, Oscar Norris
A Study of the Validity of Undergraduate Grade Point Average and Graduate Record Examination Scores as Predictors of Success in the Selection of Masters Level Graduate Students in Psychology, Margaret Tandy O'Connor
On Resolving the Epistemological Paradox of Self-Deception, David Payne
Home, Loved Ones & Heaven: Folk Expressin in the Songs of Katherine O'Neill Peters Sturgill, George Reynolds
An Ichtyhyofaunal Survey of Three Kentucky Tailwaters, William Robinson
Effects of Analgesia on the Newborn, Linda Roe
Knowledge Falsely So-Called: Irenaeus' Approach to the Confrontation between Orthodoxy & Heresy, David Rogers
Adult Sex-Role Self-Concept as a Function of Age & Marital Status, Linda Rogers
Evaluation of BAS 9052 & BAS 9021 for Control of Johnsongrass (Sorghum Halpense) in Soybeans (Glycine Max), Sheryl Rogers
Mordecai F. Ham: Southern Fundamentalist, Kenneth Russell II
The Investigation of an Imagery Technique as a Screening Device for Reading Difficulties, Joseph Saxe
The Influence of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature on the Book of Hebrews, Paul Schmidgall
Narrator Reliability in the Creative Autobiography: An Approach for the Solo Interpreter, Diane Schwalm
A Study of Grade Retention & Social Promotion in the McLean County, Kentucky School District, John Settle Jr.
Providence & Free Will in the History of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth, Steven Smith
A Descriptive Study of the Problems Reported by Selected Students on Academic Probation at Western Kentucky University, James Somers Jr.
Affective Responsivity to Varying Modes of Police Dress, William Taylor
The Relationship Between Teacher Perception of Pupils, the Impulsive-Reflective Pupil Style, & Intelligence, Paul Thompson