Theses and Specialist projects from 1982
Collection & Transmission of the Qur'an: A Critical Survey of Western Scholarship, David Addleton
The Ability of Selected Personality Variables to Distinguish Between Three Levels of Moral Reasoning, Kimberly Balcer
A Mammalian Virus (SV40) Inductest for Putative Carcinogens, Howard Blount
The Folklife Expressions of Three Isle Royale Fishermen: A Sense of Place Examination, Timothy Cochrane
Literary Portraits of the Pharisees in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, Michael R. Cosby
Faith, Reason and Scripture in the Theology of Donald G. Bloesch, David R. Coward
Kinetic and Spectral Studies of Cobalt (II) -4, 4’, 4’’, 4’’’ –Tetrasulfophthalocyanine with Sodium Cyanide in Aqueous Solution, Pablo J. Diaz Cruz
Confederate Operations in Eastern Kentucky, 1861-1862, C. David Dalton
Ink In My Blood: The Folklore of a Commercial Print Shop, Nana Farris
The Duke of Dark Corners: Toward an Interpretation of Measure for Measure's Duke Vincento, Jan Funk
Effects of Task Complexity on Mental Imagery & Work Decrement, Mary George
Auden's Poetic Theory & the Child-Like Voice, Diana Graham
Meal Interference with Antibiotics Administered Orally in Kentucky Hospitals, Shirley Harper
Migratory Strategy of the Purple Finch (Carpodacus Purpureus) in Spring, Laurence Holmes Jr.
Construct Validity of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, Brian W. Johnson
Oxidation Activity of Catalyst 3-7A Toward Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Cyanide, And Some Alkane Gases, John Kawas
The Effects of Extraversion on Performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Charles V. Kerekes
The Development of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale & Assessment of its Psychometric Parameters, Sharon Lachow
A Contemporary Female Psychic: A Folkloristic Study of a Traditional Occupation, Jan Laude
Effects of Row Spacing, Varieties, & Branching on Yields of Five Soybean Cultivars, José Lopes
Investigation of the Role of Phenols in Oxidative Degradation of Coal-Derived Naphthas, Jeffrey Macke
A Study of the Biblical Narrative of Saul, Including Investigation of the Folktale & Proverb as Genres of Folk Narrative, Ervin Mason Jr.
A History of the Bowling Green Fire Department: A Look at Two Traditional Methodologies, Edward McCurley
Ultrastructural Investigations on Spore Germination in the Fern Woodwardia Virginica (L.) Smith, James McCurry
Stephen Crane & Ernest Hemingway: A Study in Affinities, Clara Metzmeier
Exploring Adaptive Behavior in Preschool Children, Elaine Michewicz
Evaluation of Sethoxydim & MBR 22359 for Control of Rhizome Johnsongrass (Sorghum Halepense) in Soybeans (Glycine Max), E. Craig Musselman
The Development & Study of a Competency-Based Vocational Education Drafting Program, Kenneth Mussnug
Husserl's Collapse of Cartesian Dualism as a Result of the Epoche & the Intentionality Theory of Consciousness, David Nickell
An Evaluation for Modification (Shorter) of the Kirby-Bauer Susceptibility Test, Walter Norris Jr.
O. Henry’s Use of Stereotypes in His New York City Stories: An Example of the Utilization of Folklore in Literature, Martin Ostrofsky
Degrees of Self-Actualizing and Corresponding Levels of Jealousy in College Students, Robert Paul
Sunset as an Orientational Cue for a Nocturnal Migrant, the White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), James Pauly
Caroline Gordon: A Sense of Place, Frances Perdue
Impact of Urban Stormwater Runoff on the Water Quality of the Subsurface Lost River, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Donald Rice
Relaxation Versus Visualization in Improving Golf Scores, Thomas Simek
Comparison of Grouping Methods for Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci, Renee Smith
The Activation of Aflatoxin B1 by Cell-Free Extracts of Human Mucosa Microorganisms, Wanda Snead
A Study of Hospital Incidents, Sherry Tabor
The Development of an Expressive Language Scoring System, Pamela Tamme
Nonpoint Agricultural Pollution in a Karst Aquifer: Lost River Groundwater Drainage Basin, Warren County, Kentucky, Nancy Tucker
Work Decrement and Facilitation of Performance as a Function of the Accuracy of Mental Imagery, Maxwell Turner
The Influence of Livestock Feed Size on Feed Consumption by Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris), Daniel Twedt
The Brigance K&1 Screen and Corresponding Teacher Ratings of Students, Shanna Waddington
Demographic & Attitudinal Variables Which Predict Smoking & Nonsmoking Behavior, Dorothy Warmack
A History of Computers for Use in the Secondary School, Wanda Weidemann