Theses and Specialist projects from 2002
Distributive Justice and Punishment in Team Sports, David Bucur
The Role of Implicit Racial Attitudes and Universal Orientation in Cross-Racial Face Recognition, Gordon Campbell
Social Intelligence: Social Skills Competence and Emotional Intelligence in Gifted Adolescents, Lisa Corso
Faking Integrity Tests: More than a Mindset?, Christopher Corthern
Emotional Intelligence, Social Competence, and Success in High School Students, Amanda Crick
An Investigation into Traits Common to Structured Ministers and Traits Common to Musical Ministers, Matthew Cullum
Effects of Restricted Spectral Rearing on the Development of Zebrafish Retinal Physiology, Lee Dixon
Children's Understanding of Racial Classifications as a Function of Their Knowledge of Inheritance, Jason Glerum
Using Appropriateness Measurement to Detect Realistic Faking of Personality Tests, Brian Holt
Analysis of Zebrafish Optic Tectum Visual Processing Before and After Optic Nerve Crush, Angela McDowell
Training Practices in School Consultation: Twenty Years Later, Terri Owens
Perceptions of Fairness of Discipline Events in the Work Place, Debra Phillips
Modeling Organizational Culture in a Financial Institution, Lauren Rogers
The Incorporation of Emergent Literacy into Head Start Classrooms, Emily Seeger
The Effect of Cognitive Load on Illusory Correlation, Jason Simpson
The Effectiveness of Listening Previewing on Oral Reading Performance, Latisha Smith
Reading Mastery Versus Word Study Instruction as it Pertains to Third Graders' Reading Achievement Scores, Mia Sullivan
Behaviorally Disruptive Children's Reasoning About the Emotional Consequences of Victimization, Kim Van Zee
Theses and Specialist projects from 2001
Paranormal Beliefs and Personality Traits, Heather Auton
Improvoing Head Start Children's Emergent Literacy and Phonemic Awareness Through Parent Training, Kelli Bradbury
Emotional Intelligence in Adolescents: How it Relates to Giftedness, Sean Corso
Test-Retest Reliability of Phonemic Awareness Assessment Instruments of Kindergarten Students, Lorie Craycroft
Examining Children's IEP Knowledge and Preferences in the Special Education Process, Sharon Eagles
Orientation Programs and Realistic Job Previews: Tactics to Reduce Dysfunctional Turnover, Andrea Glaze
Mood, Social Goals and Children's Outcome Expectancies, Bridgette Harper
Phonemic Awareness in Preschool Children in Relation to Reading Practices in the Home, Anna Hayes
The Relationship Between Social and Emotional Intelligence in Children, Shannon Herring
Literature Size Related to Diagnostic Inaccuracy of Personality Disorders, Vincent Intoccia
The Effect of Age-Related Stereotypes on Memory Self-Efficacy and Memory Task-Performance of Older Adults, Brenda Karns
Body Length, Activity Level, and Avoidance Learning in Zebrafish Exposed to Nicotine as Embryos, Tim Lawrence
The Effects of Attitudes Towards Homosexuality on the Ability to Reason Logically About Homosexuality, Jeanette Myers
Temporal, Perspectives, Dispositional Styles, and Subjective Well-Being, Mary Naeger
Spectral Sensitivity of the Goldfish ERG and Optic Tectum Before and After Optic Nerve Damage, Jenel Pile
Parapsychological Beliefs and the Effects of Exposure to Skeptical Inquiry, Augustine Seeger
Electronic Versus Paper Surveys in an Upward Feedback Application: Are the Methods Equivalent?, Michael Yap
Theses and Specialist projects from 2000
Investigating Emotional Intelligence in Children: Exploring its Relationship to Cognitive Intelligence, Margaret Allen
Impact of Employee Performance and Job Status on Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Charla Arnold
Differences in Turnover Intentions Between Exempt and Nonexempt Employees, Robert Ball
A Descriptive Study of the Selection Procedures Used by Kentucky Manufacturers, Amy Dumanois
Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation, and Behavior in Majority and Minority Groups, Suzanne Hillin
Anxiety and Efficacy: Are They Related to Students' Choice of Major?, Camille Johnson
The Role of Gender Interactions, Company Tenure and Job Tenure in Upward Feedback Ratings, Vanessa Johnson
A Comparison of the Situational and Patterned Behavioral Description Interview in Predicting Job Performance, James Little
A Survey of Minority Students Who Use Retention Program Services at a Predominantly White Institution, Jamalya Luney
The Effects of Interviewer Self-Monitoring on Male Appearance Discrimination in Employment Decisions, Charles McDowell
The Role of EEOC Factors in Determining Perceptions of Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment, Libby Miller
Improving Oral Reading Performance: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Reading Interventions, Allison Morris
The Perception of Ordinal Depth Relationship from Static and Deforming Boundary Contours, Shane Raines
Are the Cognitive Processes Underlying Practical Intelligence Redundant with Those Underlying Traditional Intelligence, Shari Rauscher
Distributive Justice and Perceptions of Fairness in Team Sports, Leslie Specht
Attitudinal Outcomes of Punishment Events in Team-Sporting Settings, Jason Tapp
Theses and Specialist projects from 1999
The Effect of Ethnicity and Generation on Cultural Values, Launa Beck
Rater Training to Improve Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness, Robert Beeler
Aging and Stereoscopic Shape Perception, Thomas Dawson
Peer Relations in the Ungraded Primary: An Examination of Friendship and Its Benefits, Donna Gregory
The Relationship Between Freshman College Student Satisfaction and College Adjustment, Jason Gregory
Perceiving Organizational Conflict: The Effect of Occupational Rank and Sex on Perceptions of Conflict in the Workplace, Eric Hatcher
The Relationship Between Loneliness and Social Skills in Learning Disabled and Regular Education Populations, Roberta Miller
Aging and Attentional Control in the Stroop Priming Task, Jennifer Naylor
Retention of Academic Skills Over the Summer Months in Alternative and Traditional Calendar Schools, Christy Nofsinger
An In-Depth Analysis of Students' Academic Retention Abilities in Traditional and Alternative Calendar Schools, Jennifer Reece
The Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted-Instruction in the Acquisition of Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities for Adult Learners: A Meta-Analysis, Scott Shadrick
Anger and Alcohol Use: A Model of Coping Styles, Alcohol Expectancies and the Experience and Expression of Anger, Shauna Willard
Theses and Specialist projects from 1998
Predicting Academic Success in College Using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Katherine Bishop
A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Effect of Freshman Seminars on Student Attrition at Four Year Colleges and Universities, Raymond Brown
Modern Sexist Attitudes Toward Female Supervisors, Eric Dulaney
Behavior Management Training Issues in Kentucky Classrooms, Karin Holland
Gender Differences in College Students' Attributions for Success and Failure, Anna Hutton
Educational Specialist Programs in School Psychology: Trends in Training Emphasis, Shawna Kennedy
Iconic Memory and Aging: Effects of Stimulus Duration, Stimulus Contrast, and Inter-Stimulus Interval, Andrew LaJoie
Examining the Training and Practice of School Psychologists: A Survey of Intern Supervisors, Christopher Matthews
A Further Exploration of College Student Attrition: The Predicative Validity of the College Adjustment Scales, Christopher Mattis
A Study of Highly and Moderately Gifted Students in Mixed-Age Settings and the Effect on Social Status and Self-Concept, Deeayne Mayfield
The Effects of Multicultural Diversity Training on the Development of a Multicultural Perspective in Preservice Teachers, Lorie Mullins
School Psychologists' Assessment Practices of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Donna Ridenour
Zebrafish Retinal Development and the Effects of Abnormal Light Rearing Conditions, Shannon Saszik
The Effects of Constant and Variable Practice on Performing a Gross Motor Skill, Leslie Snyder
Coping With Jealousy: Effects of Personality, Gender and Intensity of Jealousy, Tisha Thompson
Program Evaluation of Project Team and Project Prep, Preservice Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Training Programs, Sarah Whittaker
Moderation of Personality Test Validity, Christopher Woolard
Theses and Specialist projects from 1997
Friendship Patterns and School Adjustment in the Mixed-Age Context, Sarah Caverly
Parent and Teacher Perceptions of Student Teacher Assistance Teams, Laura Dinning
Analysis of the Ministerial Emphasis Survey Quantifying the Call of the Church, Ray Doyel
Methods and Techniques of Training Social Competency in Head Start, Kimberly Ely
Local Use of a Nationally-Developed Predictor of University Student Attrition, Michelle Huffman
Theses and Specialist projects from 1996
The Effect of Child Gender on Parent Ratings of Temperament and Behavior, Brent Beck
The Effect of Ses on Parent Ratings of Termperament and Behavior, Heather Brown
The Contribution of Children's Peer Relations to Adjustment in An Ungraded Primary Program, Daniel Diehl
Factors Which Effect Parental Agreement on Ratings of Temperament and Behavior Problems, Elizabeth Edmonson
The Encoding of Frequency Information as an Automatic Process: A Quantitative Review, Kellie Goedart
Avoidance Behavior in the Elderly Driver, Mark Graves
The Authoritarian Personality and Economic Distress, Kenneth Hinton