Theses and Specialist projects from 2007
The Effect of Sporting Event Levels on Fan Motivation Factors, Amber Rickard
An Examination of the Factors of Influence on Rebellious Risky Behaviors in Adolescents, Audrey Roach
Effects of a Summer Program on the Academic, General, and Emotional Self-Concepts of Gifted Students, Lindy Settle
Validity of the Clinical Assessment of Depression with the Brief Symptom Inventory, Carlie West
Theses and Specialist projects from 2006
A Survey of Teaming and Assessment Practices of Practitioners Trained in Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Breanna Bartley
A Comparison of Two Measures of Oral Reading Fluency, Kara Bletzinger
Developmental and Gender Patterns in Social Information Processing: Social Problem-Solving and Social Goals, April Bowersox
The Effect of Divulging the Intent of the Conditional Reasoning Test of Aggression to Responses, Nathan Carter
A Realistic Job Preview for Deputy Jailer Applicants, Joseph Dunn
The Relevance of Teacher Efficacy in the National Certification of Teachers, Sarah Glasgow
African American Children's Inferences Based on Race, Sex and Age, Erica Hightower
Sorority Eating Patterns: A Longitudinal Investigation, Marissa Hobbs
Memory for Non-Focal Words, John Jones
The Impact of Reading Programs as a Map Project Strategy, Tena Jones
An Examination of the Similarities Between Same-Grade Friends and Different-Grade Friends, Brenna Kelley
"None of the Above" as an Answer Option in Observatoin Based Multiple-Choice Questions, Stephen King
An Examination of the General Mobility of Older Adults Based on Late-Life Depression and Its Treatment, Heather Kossick
Does Item Exposure Impact the Relationship Between Specificity and Interrater Agreement, Traxler Littlejohn
The Influence of Children's Gender and Behavior on Parental Perceptions, Virginia Lowery
The Effects of Item Grouping on Test Reliability, Holly Mackey
An Examination of Factors Influencing Parental Satisfaction, Erin McBride
Detecting Intentional, Realistic Response Distortion on the MMPI-2 Using Multiple Validity Scales, Andrew Minton
Do the Goal Orientations of National Board Certified Teachers Differ from Their Non-Certified Counterparts?, Carrie Newby
Aging and Associative and Inductive Reasoning Processes in Discrimination Learning, Courtney Ortz
Relationships in Aging, Cognitive Processes, and Contingency Learning, Sarah Reeder
Gender, Occupational Position, and Incivility: The Role of Status on Rude Behaviors at Work, Sherri Settle
Using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills to Identify Students At-Risk for Reading Difficulties, Rachael Sloan
Examination of the Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Parental Tolerance, Amanda Sowers
Physical Abilities Testing: A Review of Court Cases, 1992-2006, Paula Starling
Comparison of Distributed Versus Collocated Command Group Collaboration Performance, Christopher Van Fultz
An Assessment of School Adjustment in Head Start Children, Rachel Waford
Assessing the Parent Involvement Component of a Head Start Program, Stephanie Wilkerson
Workplace Incivility and the Low-Status Target, Sonia Winhorst
Human Aggression and Sports Media Violence, Justin Wright
Theses and Specialist projects from 2005
Perceptions of Connective Leadership and Work Outcomes: The Role of Gender and Group Identification, Melisa Appleby
The Relationship Among Sense of Humor, Defense Style, Levels of Trait Anxiety, and Locus of Control, Emily Averitt
A Comparison of Information, Referral & Volunteer Centers in Kentucky, Katrina Ayres
Do Dilemmas on a Moral Judgment task Elicit Feeling States Known to Affect Information Processing?, Brian Barger
Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Body Images, Kenneth Brasel
Examination of Role Satisfaction and Mental Health of Caregiving Grandparents, Jennifer Copen
A Meta-Analysis of Test-Retest Reliability Studies, Bryan Cromwell
Concurrent Validity of the Clinical Assessment of Depression with the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition, Shelley Hicks
More Than Meets the Eye: The Covert Nature of Female Aggression in a Kindergarten Through Second Grade Population, Allison Janoski
The Effect of Gender, Victim Job Performance, and Victim Employment Status on Individual and Jury Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Marcie Krastman
Predicting Age Related Changes in Mobility and Driving Habits, Melissa Mathews
Relations Between Job Analysis Questionnaire Responses and Incumbent Characteristics, Ronnie Meredith
Actual and Ideal Self Discrepancy and Body Satisfaction, Sheena Moyers
Revealing Socially Undesirable Information: A Comparison of Bipolar Adjective Scaling Methods, Jordan Mudd
A Comparison of the BASC and CBCL with At-Risk Preschoolers, Sara Murphy
A Psychophysical Analysis of Zebrafish Spectral Sensitivity, Michael Risner
Hey, That's Not Fair! A Comparison of Faculty and Department Head Fairness Perceptions of Pregnancy Leave Practices, Amy Schirmer
Creating an Assessment Tool for Muscle Dysmorphia, Jennifer Short
A Comparison of the BASC and the CBCL With Referred Preschoolers, Kristina Sidebottom
Observed Incivility at Work and Job Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Workgroup Characteristics, Catharine Tate
The Effects of Mental Skills Training on Serve Accuracy of an Intercollegiate Volleyball Team, Amber Usry
A Pharmacological Investigation of the Adult Zebrafish Retinal Off-Pathway, Eric Vukmanic
Children's Beliefs in Relation to the Essence of Race, Rachel Wetton
An Examination of the Five Factors of Personality, Pubertal Onset and Alcohol Usage in Adolescent Males, Sarah Wickman
Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills: Studying Students with Emotional-Behavioral Disability (EBD), Bridget Wilfert
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Through the Alive Center (A Local Information and Volunteer Exchange), Stacia Wolf
Theses and Specialist projects from 2004
Investigating Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills in Home Schooled Students, Jennifer Howard Adkins
The Use of Social Stories to Teach Social and Behavioral Skills to Preschool Children with Moderate to Severe Autism, Michelle Lynne Antle
Levels of Burnout and Job Satisfaction in Large-Scale Agribusiness, Hugh Patrick Bosley
Concurrent Validity Study of the Clinical Assessment of Depression with the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition, Shanna Leigh Bowers
Roadside Memorial Practices: An Examination of Landscapes of Commemoration in Warren County, Kentucky, Michael Briggs
Assessing Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence in Public School Teachers, Brandy Cobb
Relationships Between Personality and Individual Perceptions of Social Cohesion, James Garrett
Using Social Stories to Teach Social and Behavioral Skills to Preschool Children with Autism, Melissa Jean Herrin
Exploration of the Relationship Between Moral Judgment Development and Crystallized Intelligence, Kristy Jones
The ALIVE Center (A Local Information & Volunteer Exchange): An Evaluation of the Year 2003-2004, Joel Kaunisto
Development of a Multidimensional Scale to Measure Attitudes Toward Workers With a Disability, John Kegley
The Relationship Between Stress, Satisfaction, and Emotional Intelligence in College Students, Jessica Largen
Emotional Intelligence with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Christina Mayfield
The Effect of Gender, Jury Instructions, Victim Intoxication, and Perpetrator Intoxication on Individual and Jury Perceptions of Sexual Harassment, Kathleen Nickel
The Effects of Self-Monitoring and Religious Self-Discrepancies on Negative Affect, John Parker
Cognitive Ability Testing and Selection: A Review of Court Decisions Since 1991, Leslie Pedigo
The Effects of Age and Task Timing Characteristics on Contingency Judgment, Marci C. Sammons
Job Applicant Faking of Overt Integrity Tests: Fact or Fantasy?, Caitlin Stewart
Aging and the Effects of Prior Expectancies in Contingency Judgment, Laura Strain
Concurrent Validity Study of the Clinical Assessment of Depression with the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, Brooke Wootton Tinsley
School Psychology Practitioners' Perspectives on Consultation Training and Practice, Kimberly A. Unseld
Minimizing the Time of Day Effect Through the Use of Background Music, Amanda Wade
Organizational Justice & Punishment in Team & Individual Settings, Xiaoqian Wang
Theses and Specialist projects from 2003
Content Validation and Modification of the AAUW Survey on Sexual Harassment in the Schools for Use With Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Daniel Belding
Barriers to Lesbian Health Care, Paula Bowles
Parental Understanding of Miranda Rights, Abby Callis
The Citizen Police Academy: Assessment of a Program's Effects on Community and Officer Attitudes, Shannon Cook
The Influence of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, & Perceptions of Equity/Fairness on Customer Service Interests, Sheri Daniel
The Effect of Task Versus Ego Oriented Feedback on Exercise Enjoyment, Marc Fields
The Relationship Between Sport Fandom, Identification with a Specific Team, and an Individual's Socialization Experiences, Paul Frederiksen
Effects of Perceived Costs and Rewards on Motivation and Retention of Rape Crisis Center Volunteers, Amanda Grissom
A Comparison of Symptom Severity Between University Counseling Center and Community Mental Health Center Clients, Joshua Gunn
Potential Antecedents of Muscle Dysmorphia, Crystal Henson
Consultation Trends in School Psychology Review Over the Last Twenty-Two Years, Jill Lawson
The Perception and Recognition of 3-D Shape from Shadows Cast onto Curved Surfaces, Young-Lim Lee
The Effects of Goal Orientation and Type of Feedback on Perceived Competence and Performance, Adam Leezer
Theses and Specialist projects from 2002
Lucky Pennies and Four Leaf Clovers: Young Children's Understanding of Superstitions, Christy Bryce
Distributive Justice and Punishment in Team Sports, David Bucur