Theses and Specialist projects from 1985
Internal Consistency of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children When Used with At-Risk Preschoolers, AnnaMary Frank
Assessing Critical Thinking Processes in the Gifted: Predicting GRE Analytical Performance from Watson-Glaser Results, Susie Garrott
Effect of Internal Consistency on the CPI Social Dominance Scale on the Predictability of Dominance Behaviors, Jerry Guttman
Using a Weighted Application to Predict Success of Big Brother/Big Sister Volunteers, Douglas Kuhn
A Study of the Interrater Agreement of Therapists Using the Basic I.D. Profile as an Assessment Tool, Jimmy Mann
Application of Instrumental Enrichment to College Students in a Moral Education Intervention Study, Shirley Melton-Carson
Theses and Specialist projects from 1984
The Relationship Between Rating Strategy and Accuracy of Performance Rating, Richard Carter
The Relationship Among Parent Knowledge of Special Education, Assertiveness, and Participation in Planning Their Handicapped Child’s Educational Program, Lynne Faxon Croxton
The Role of Depression in College Student Attrition, Jeffrey Feix
A Reliability Analysis of the Position Analysis Questionnaire for Assessing Equal Work, Joseph Re
The Effect of Relaxation Procedures on Test Anxiety & Test Performance, Mary Thompson
Predicting Actual Physical Performance with Mental Image Accuracy, Rodney Young
The Effect of Pre- & Post-Training Administration of Naloxone upon Acquisition Learning & Memory Retention during an Active Avoidance Response, Debra Yovichin
Theses and Specialist projects from 1983
A Comparison of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Cynthia Burris
Shadowing Interference in a Dichotic Listening Task with Categorized and Uncategorized Word Lists, David Coleman
An Eclectic Approach to the Identification and Treatment of the Cluster of Disorders Known as Infantile Autism, Margaret Considine
Development of a Structured Interview to Screen for Emotional Instability in Nuclear Power Plant Operation Applicants, Martha Cordon
An Investigation into the Problem of Validity Generalization & Situational Specificity for Nuclear Power Plant Operations, Jeffrey Hornsby
The Use of Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment with Underprepared College Students: A Pilot Study, Michael Kieta
Leader Behavior Factor Structures: A Function of Leader Behavior, Implicit Leadership Theories or Both?, Jeffrey Prewitt
A Descriptive Analysis of Morally Mature Individuals, Deborah Rich
The Relationship Between Drinking and Assertiveness in College Students, Ernest Small
The Effects of Age & Education on Personality Consistency, Craig Sparks
Sex Role Orientation and Its Effect on a Woman’s Decision to Parent, Agnes Van Buren
Birth-Order Complementarity and Marital Adjustment, Cornelia Vos
Theses and Specialist projects from 1982
The Ability of Selected Personality Variables to Distinguish Between Three Levels of Moral Reasoning, Kimberly Balcer
Effects of Task Complexity on Mental Imagery & Work Decrement, Mary George
Construct Validity of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, Brian W. Johnson
The Effects of Extraversion on Performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Charles V. Kerekes
The Development of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale & Assessment of its Psychometric Parameters, Sharon Lachow
Exploring Adaptive Behavior in Preschool Children, Elaine Michewicz
Degrees of Self-Actualizing and Corresponding Levels of Jealousy in College Students, Robert Paul
Relaxation Versus Visualization in Improving Golf Scores, Thomas Simek
The Development of an Expressive Language Scoring System, Pamela Tamme
Work Decrement and Facilitation of Performance as a Function of the Accuracy of Mental Imagery, Maxwell Turner
The Brigance K&1 Screen and Corresponding Teacher Ratings of Students, Shanna Waddington
Theses and Specialist projects from 1981
Community-Based Programming for Emotional Disturbance in Children, Anna Borders
An Educational-Counseling Program on Public Law 94-142 for Parents of School-Aged Educable Mentally Handicapped Children, Patricia Coakley
Entrance Age to First Grade: Its Effect on Cognitive Achievement as Predicted by the Metropolitan Readiness Test, Julie Emberton
A Validity Study of an Operational Pre-Hire Assessment Process for Professional, Managerial, Technical Personnel, John Galbraith
Children's Anxiety Management Program: Its Effects on School Anxiety, Defensiveness & Self-Disparagement, Wayne Herner
A Study of the Differences Between Two Methods of Training the Reality Therapy Behavior Management Strategy, Jacquelyn Lambert
A Program Evaluation Model for the Job Skills Training Component of the Cave Lake Workshop, William Mooney III
An Investigation into the Use of Provisional Analysis as a Means to Increase the Use of Program Evaluation Data, Jeffrey Quade
The Effect of Praise and Critical Feedback on the Task Performance of Young Males of Varying Levels of Adaptive Behavior, Michael Reed
An Investigation of the Use of Personal Values in Consumer Life Style Research, Jeffrey Stoltman
Theses and Specialist projects from 1980
Yet Another Look at Depth of Processing, Marilyn Graves
The Effect of Intelligence Test Feedback Upon Self-Concept as Measured by the EPPS, Gregory Heeter
Clarifying Performance Appraisal Criteria, Charles Hobson
Characteristics of Mentor Relationships in Male and Female University Professors, Charlotte B. Miller
A Study of the Validity of Undergraduate Grade Point Average and Graduate Record Examination Scores as Predictors of Success in the Selection of Masters Level Graduate Students in Psychology, Margaret Tandy O'Connor
Adult Sex-Role Self-Concept as a Function of Age & Marital Status, Linda Rogers
The Investigation of an Imagery Technique as a Screening Device for Reading Difficulties, Joseph Saxe
Affective Responsivity to Varying Modes of Police Dress, William Taylor
The Relationship Between Teacher Perception of Pupils, the Impulsive-Reflective Pupil Style, & Intelligence, Paul Thompson
Theses and Specialist projects from 1979
The Traditional Sex-Stereotype of a Job as a Moderator Variable for the Directionality of Sex Biases in Performance Evaluation, Bernard Bena
The Operational Effectiveness of the Behavioral Expectations Scale & the Mixed Standard Scale: A Comparative Evaluation, Deborah Boniske
Stereotype Bias in Selection: A Process Approach, Donald V. Currie
Predictors of Course Grade in Undergraduate Psychology Courses, Susan Edwards
An Examination of Scholarly Perspective, Religiosity and Factors Which Lead to Religious Change, Paul Fehrmann
Simulated Response Patterns on the Ben Sex-Role Inventory and the PRF ANDRO Scale, Jane Fisher
A Reexamination of the Additivity Issue of Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation, David Fransway
An Exploration of Change in Teacher Concerns Over Time, Sharla E. Hutchinson
The Influence of a Diverse Relaxation Training Program Upon a Measure of Anxiety, Julie A. Joseph
Drinking Among College Students & Personality Factors Related to Alcoholism, James Mills
The Relationship Between the Motive to Avoid Success & Sex-Role Identification, James Moore Jr.
Organizational Correlates of Faculty Research Productivity Across PhD-Granting Psychology Departments, David Morgan
The Effect of Self-Knowledge of IQ Score on Academic Self-Concept in College Students, Brian Piispanen
Characteristics of Parents Involved in a Parent Child Center-Head Start Program, Rebecca Selove
Head Start Four and Five Year Old Children’s Attitudes Toward School as They are Related to Achievement, Eugene Smith
Pupil Social-Stylistic Variability & the Teacher Perception of Student Role Performance, Gail Stevens
Theses and Specialist projects from 1978
Validity of Bender Gestalt Test Emotional Indicators for Functional Fifth-Grade Children, Donald Britt
Personality Variables & Sex-Role Classifications of "Total Woman" Participants, Lou Brown
Patient-Technique Orientation, Personality Factors, and Training Effects in Nursing Students, Gerald Case
The Effect of Prenatal Administration of Amphetamine Upon the Cognitive-Intellectual Functioning of the Offspring at Adulthood, Theodore Cole
The Relative Efficiencey of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) as a Predictor of College Academic Achievement, Ollie Dennis
The Effects of Locus of Control & Victim Responsibility Upon Helping Behavior, Jerri Fritzo
The Relationship of Emotio-Sexual Orientation in Females to Androgyny & Social Self-Esteem, Joyce Gayles
The Recall of Strens, Traumas & T-S Experiences by Adults, Phyllis Hatfield
Authoritarianism & Preference for Directive or Non-Directive Therapy, Philip Henry
The Common Belief Scale for Students: A Measure of Rationality in Children, Stephen Hooper
Psychological Androgyny & Gender Attribution to Hypothetical Persons, Deanna Mader
Awareness of Facial Decoding in Nonverbal Communication as a Function of People Oriented Activity, Ines Morgado
Degrees of Familiar & Affective Music & Their Effects on State Anxiety, Stephen Rohner
Comparison of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale in School Age Children, Stephen Skiles
Demographic Characterization of WISC-R Factor Score Profiles, Don Twyman
WISC-R Short Forms for Identification of Intellectually Sub-normal Children, John Ward
The Effects of Female Supervision on a Heterosexual Blue Collar Work Group, Ila Young
Theses and Specialist projects from 1977
An Examination of Commitment to Scholarly Openness & Religious Belief Among Academicians, Jim Alsdurf
The Relationship Between Number of Sessions and Client-Judged Outcome, Jay Athy